Saturday, April 11, 2009



This week’s theme is on TRIANGLE.
There are many ways on how you can
describe on a TRIANGLE
but there’s one that had caused much
worries and stresses to many parties
as the situation mentioned below…






For those members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Carver said...

Too funny Criz. I also noticed those triangular ears on your cats caught in a love triangle. Hope you have a great weekend and Easter.

Bengbeng said...

haha..same post from you and me this week :)

ian said...

hahahaha i love this juicy 'tail' =] didn't realize that cats, too, had their own soap operas =]

Anonymous said...

The most hateful Triangle - Love Triangle!! I hope you're not entangled in it just like your cats! :P

jmb said...

Not what I expected here, but really innovative Criz. Too many ladies, well you'll have to do some balancing there. Happy weekend to you.

Leslie said...

I was busy looking at all your beautiful triangular ears! :)

Corey~living and loving said...

cute as always! :)

happy weekend!

Randi said...

Your romantic relationship seems to be rather complicated...*smile*
Happy weekend!

SASSY MOM said...

Funny love triangle... Happy Easter!

admin said...

hahaha a different take on triangle//

Happy photo hunting!!
My entries

jams o donnell said...

Wonderful take on the theme... and great cat shots with those triangular ears too. Happy weekend

ScroochChronicles said...

hahaha...cats in a love triangle. great take on this week's theme :)

Tara R. said...

Beautiful triangles! Fun take on the week's theme.

Mickey's Musings said...

A love TRIANGLE???? Oh dear!!
I must say,though, Jolyn has become a beautiful Tortie :)
We hope the girls can share,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

 gmirage said...

ahaha, the most difficult triangle you'd encounter! Fun post Criz, keep it up!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh noooooooooos a love triangle we hope no ones heart gets broken. ~S,S,C & F

Momgen said...

Hehheh always very good Criz. Love triangle...Mine is up also. Happy weekend.

Mine is here

YTSL said...

So how many cats do you have???

Anonymous said...

Well done - give those cats an Oscar!

SabineM said...

Adorable! Meow!!!

Samantha & Mom said...

Hehehehehehe!! Pretty cool TRIANGLE!! Great take on the theme!!
Your FL furiends,
and Maverick

Daisy said...

Love triangles are the most complicated geometry of all!

Marites said...

I was looking at their triangular ears until I realized there's a triangle relationship going on. LOL! :)

healingmagichands said...

Your cats are beautiful and illustrate your love triangle relationship perfectly. I was wondering if someone was going to do that sort of a triangle. I thought about it but I already knew which image I had to post, so I couldn't do it.

Thanks for sharing. http://healingmagichands.wordpress.com/2009/04/11/photo-hunt-triangle/

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Good heavens! As if cats don't have enough problems! Poor things...
I did PH, too. I hope you have a chance to see mine.


Have a great weekend. He is risen!

Amanda said...

:) Oh my a love triangle... the best triangle so far this weekend!

Happy weekend!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Beautiful kitties, even it they are in a live triangle!

catsynth said...

Funny. There are certainly lots of ways to interpret triangles with cats.

LaaGpayImo said...

oh...so cute..and they looked so peaceful :-)

Anne said...

Yes, the triangle ears jumped out at me too. A feline love triangle is so funny to think about!
Your fur babies are sooooo beautiful.

Thanks for visiting mine and have a great weekend!


stan said...

I see a lot of love n hate relationship posts from our asian participants. lol.

Ingrid said...

A cat face almost looks like a triangle, lol !

Anonymous said...

I think it is a triangle of tall tails,..... lol. Great job! Happy Easter

eastcoastlife said...

oi.... great minds think alike! :D

We have the same story line.

The Activist said...

What is with this triangle situation?

Anonymous said...

Jolyn yoo gots big. We hope the love triangle sorts it self out soon!

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