Would you believe that for the pass 18 hours I did not even let Mama Jessica out from my sight? We ate, we slept and we wandered within the house inseparable… sweat~ I had just spent the last 2 hours inspecting her actions out at my porch area, obstructing her from jumping over the fence not less than 3 times. No… no… She definitely not allowed outdoor unmonitored again for at least another few days prior to her check-up.

At least the blood trace in her urine is getting lesser and lesser by the hours. That’s a good sign indeed.

Getting her to eat and drink with either wet or dry food was a huge task. She would rather sleep or stare out of the windows (in search of an escape route I guessed which was quite impossible… LOL!). Anyway, I managed to coax her to sip in some water and munch a few cat biscuits this morning. Finally, she decided to eat more and drink more during lunch time. That was a relief for me.

But~ I’m still having problems getting her to take in all her medications. Don’t you think a 12mm diameter tablet could be a bit too big for her to consume? I even tried breaking it up to smaller pieces but that gave me more scratches on my wrists. It’s like meeting Freddy Krueger from Elm Street. What a nightmare for me! It’s time to get some cheese wrapped tablets for her. :P

I guessed I would keep this update short for the time being as I really need some rest now as one of my eyes is swollen now. Moreover, there are quite a few blood stained cushion covers and floor to sanitize before she wakes up from her dreamland. Anyway, thanks for all the supports and wishes you have given here. I appreciate it a lot. Errr… oh no… Mama Jessica woke up due to a commotion outside.

That must be JT (Jay Tux), my new daily stalker in the compound. Well, I would not turn down a cat in need, would you? :)

I am glad that Momma Jessica is feeling a bit better and eating and drinking more. Getting those pills down is quite a job sometimes. I wish you the best of luck with it. I am sending prayers and Herman is sending healing purrs.
Very glad that Mamma Jessica is responding to treatment and eating and drinking. Those pills sound far too big for a cat to swallow. Could you ask the vet if the tablets can be ground up (mortar and pestle) and given with 1ml of water in a syringe? If they can be, then that's often a much easier way to give medicines as it's less painful on the cat's throat. Hope she recovers soon :)
JT is very handsome!
Whicky Wuudler
Sure glad to hear that she is eating again. It isn't any fun to be sick. Keep up the good work Momma Jessica. Take care and have a great day.
One of my cats is on regular medication for asthma and I grind the tablet up and mix it with a small amount of wet cat food and give it to her before her regular sized meal and it usually gets gobbled up.
Can you syringe her if you can't pill her? I can't pill Annie, so was syringing her meds into her. Someone suggested to me to use a small mortar and pestle to grind up the meds (but I think putting a pill between two pieces of waxed paper and whapping it with a hammer would work -- lol) and mix with a bit of tuna juice or chicken juice or diluted baby food (no spices), to syringe in.
We're all continuing to send purrs and universal healing Light!
we're really glad she's making progress!
Sorry to read that Mama Jessica is sick ! Just read the posts below. It's very hard to give a cat a pill, Arthur would take it in minced meat, but not such big pills, I make them to powder.
Good luck !
Sending you a lots of healing purrs.
We are so glad to read that Mama Jessica is doing better. Maybe if you crush up her pills and mix them in her wet food it will be easier. You will have to watch and make sure the other cats don't eat that food, but if it gets all her meds in her it will be worth it.
That black and white kitty is a cutie!
We will be sending a donation your way after the 4th of February. It won't be much, but we hope it will help.
Yippie, Mama Jessica is getting better and soon to recover!! Good to hear that ^____^ CazzyCazz and kids sending purryersss..... Hugz
Glad Mamma Jessica is recovering. Keep eating, kittie. Keep eating and drinking and peeing.
Oh we are so glad to read that Mama Jessica is doing better!! Purrs & purrayers that she continues to do so!
Please keep eating more Jessica. Mum and I are thinking of you and I'm purring lots to help you get better.
Tasha & Karen (Mum)
Just checking in. Hope Momma Jessica is feeling better.
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