Saturday, November 7, 2009



This week’s theme is VETERANS/MILITARY.
If you think that only humans have MILITARY training,
you are truly wrong as animals also have their
own strategies to rule the world…
err… I mean their own territory…



MaR said...

He, he, I was wondering about your take on this week's theme, you are wonderfully creative!!
My PH. Happy weekend and happy hunting!

Juliana said...

You always have a creative humor :D thanks drop at my ph post. Have a nice weekend...

Carver said...

Great take on the theme. I'd be scared of that rooster.

Liz Hinds said...

Aw, I wondered how you would do it! Brilliant!

ian said...

mmm trouble's a-brewing in the home-front... may the best species win!

jmb said...

Always get a smile here in the saga of Criz's cats. Ever on the alert to defend their own.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

LOL~ I guess you couldn't find any toy guns? :P

Ellen Whyte said...

Thanks for linking to us under your friends. We're touched! Weird though that it says we haven't blogged in a year as we blog twice a week. Hmm, can that orange furrfluff sort out battle code? :-)

Omiae said...

HAHAHAHA. I loove the breakfast comment. That was a classic. We always have that excuse at hand in any situations. Great take on the theme! :))

SASSY MOM said...

I have missed reading your posts... Great one!

Mine is here

Jasonblink said...

Very creative, animals sure are territorial.

YTSL said...

Cats can be violent as well as oh so cute. Glad you didn't show photos of them in action -- and also their spoils of war! ;D

jams o donnell said...

Haha the cats had better be careful of the hens. THe are not averse to some fowl play! Happy weekend

Ingrid said...

Hehehe ! make peace no war, lol

Hootin Anni said...

Love this.....

One of MY favorite Veterans is on my post this week. Come see him if you have some time.
Click Here


The Florida Furkids said...

So who won? The Cats or the Fev-vers????

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Chubskulit Rose said...

very creative!

Check out my husband's 20 years in the navy. Have a great weekend!

Ladykli said...


My military is in honor of those who died at Fort Hood and 911

Anonymous said...

Very funny! Good to see they are on the job!

Pat said...

Love your military animals!! :-)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Your daddy wouldn't be crossed with you for long.

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