Jimmy was discharged! I’m glad he can be home to be with the rest of his siblings but it was not the same as before. Mama Jessica, Janice and Jayson thought they had seen a ghost cat! Everyone was avoiding getting too near to him after his 6 days of disappearance from the house. Jimmy a ghost? LOL! I guessed it could be due to the strong smell from the vet and the J family Kitties all had some bad experiences at the vet before. Unfortunately, I was advised not to bathe him for another week or so to avoid being brutally scratched as he could still be having some abdominal and stomach pain due to the plugged catheter earlier. Anyway, some antibiotics and pain killer pills were to be given to him for the next few days. Those medications might be the cause of him sleeping most of the time.

Jimmy is doing fine now. He has been recuperating quietly ever since he came back. The only problem I have now is on how to slow down his “tap”. LOL! Well, it was great to see him peeing at ease now but the frequencies were once too many times. I think he would need to take time to adjust to his normal peeing schedules. As for appetite, he has been gobbling down his food as if there would not be another tomorrow. Luckily, I did stock up lots of the wet food he took at the vet and also the Hill’s prescription diet pack. If not, he would not eat anything at all, not even his regular food. That would have given me a hard time mixing in his medication in the food. The other issue I have to settle now would be on the rest of the kitties. Was it the scent of the special food given to Jimmy having such a great influence that they refused to eat their own now or was it the stress of seeing a “ghostly” Jimmy? All of them are not consuming as much food as they should. Even the vet could not give me an answer to this issue. I’ll have to wait a few more days to monitor their appetite.

One very obvious habit that Jimmy had acquired during his stay at the vet’s was his sleeping habit. He won’t sleep next to my working table or fight over my sofa now. Surprisingly, he would rather sleep in a cage? Huh? What a weird behavior change compared to his previous fear for being caged. Anyway, I did not lock the door and would surely not stop him from roaming around the house freely.
It has been a long week of running around. I’m totally worn out. It’s time for a long rest to recuperate my own tired body. I truly need all the strength to support the pet community here. Thanks again for everything that you have done for the J Family Kitties.
Lastly, I would like to seek your help on something that would be beneficial for the pet community here. It would only take a minute or two of your time to help the Australian couple residing in Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia to make their dreams come true. They are currently running the foundation with little to no outside assistance. They will only need your ONE VOTE to support them in winning the AUD$5,000 grant contest to set up LASSie (Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary Foundation). Deadline is less than 24 hours! That would be a whole load of money to help out those abandoned animal on the island. I’m not doing this for myself but for the animals that deserved the best in life.
It has been a long week of running around. I’m totally worn out. It’s time for a long rest to recuperate my own tired body. I truly need all the strength to support the pet community here. Thanks again for everything that you have done for the J Family Kitties.
Lastly, I would like to seek your help on something that would be beneficial for the pet community here. It would only take a minute or two of your time to help the Australian couple residing in Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia to make their dreams come true. They are currently running the foundation with little to no outside assistance. They will only need your ONE VOTE to support them in winning the AUD$5,000 grant contest to set up LASSie (Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary Foundation). Deadline is less than 24 hours! That would be a whole load of money to help out those abandoned animal on the island. I’m not doing this for myself but for the animals that deserved the best in life.

Please vote at http://sunsuperdreams.com.au/dream/view/help-care-for-abandoned-dogs-and-cats-in-langkawi and do check your email to confirm the vote or it won’t be counted as a vote. I appreciate your help on this matter. Thanks~ :)
I'm glad Jimmy is home! It may be a while before everyone settles down again - it's not surprising that everyone is a little freaked out right now.
We are so glad that you got to come home Jimmy and mainly that you are feeling better. You probably are just tired from that long stay at the vets. It probably is very noisy there. We are still sending lots of purrs that you get all better. Take care.
Yeeeaayy! So glad Jimmy is home. It'll be a few days before everyone gets back in sync. Jimmy likely smells weird to the rest of the clowder. Jimmy'll start wondering around a little more once he starts feeling better, and the rest of the crew quits treating him like a stranger.
We're so happy to hear that Jimmy is home. We hope things are back to normal soon.
Truffle and Brulee
So happy that you got to bring Jimmy home. I'm sure he's much happier than being at the vet! The other kitties will come around and soon things will be back to normal. You need to take care of yourself now.
We are purring that Jimmy recovers completely, and the other kitties settle down as well.
I'm really glad to hear that Jimmy is home and getting better each day! That's such great news :)
Regarding his sleepiness, I bet it is the pain medication he is on. When Carmine first got FLUTD, he had to be on antibiotics and pain medication for his bladder infection and they made him very sleepy, too.
Stress can cause appetite changes in kitties. I bet it was stressful on all the kitties for Jimmy to go away for almost a week and then return. Give them a few days to adjust and see what happens. If it doesn't get better, definitely call your vet about them.
Purrs and hugs for Jimmy and all the kitties :)
I'm going to post the link to your auction later. I know how expensive the vet hospital is!
Glad that Jimmy is doing better. Sending healthy thoughts and purrs.
The other cats are a probably a little startled by his re-appearance and the scents he is bring back from the vet, his medications, etc.
Just checking in. Purrrrrring that you, Jimmy, and all the J-Cats are doing fine.
hello j cats. we like to introduce ourselves. we are emma and buster. our mama visits this before when your papa plays photo hunt so mama knows this site very well.
emma and buster
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