I gave up! Jimmy has to be sent back to the vet for close monitoring. Here I’m trying to get him back to better health and there he is not cooperating at all. He did take in a small amount of food on his own this morning but medication time was hell for me. Even with my brother holding on to him tightly, he threw out EVERYTHING! He made as if those medications were poison to him, oozing out endless streams of foam. How could he get well when I could not get much medication into him?

This is the result of his stubbornness. His urine color is still as bad as ever. I better put him back at the vet to ensure that everything would be under control again.

By the way, Mama Jessica is celebrating her 5th Birthday today~ Frankly speaking, I’m not in much mood to celebrate with Jimmy’s condition but I guessed I would get her a proper treat later when I get back from the vet. That chocolate truffle is actually my brother, Johnny’s cake as he’s also celebrating his birthday today with Mama Jessica. I’m totally aware that cats or even dogs are not suppose to take in chocolate as it contains high amounts of fat and caffeine-like stimulants known as methylxanthines. If ingested in significant amounts, chocolate can potentially produce clinical effects in cats ranging from vomiting and diarrhea to panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures and even death in severe cases.

This is the result of his stubbornness. His urine color is still as bad as ever. I better put him back at the vet to ensure that everything would be under control again.

By the way, Mama Jessica is celebrating her 5th Birthday today~ Frankly speaking, I’m not in much mood to celebrate with Jimmy’s condition but I guessed I would get her a proper treat later when I get back from the vet. That chocolate truffle is actually my brother, Johnny’s cake as he’s also celebrating his birthday today with Mama Jessica. I’m totally aware that cats or even dogs are not suppose to take in chocolate as it contains high amounts of fat and caffeine-like stimulants known as methylxanthines. If ingested in significant amounts, chocolate can potentially produce clinical effects in cats ranging from vomiting and diarrhea to panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures and even death in severe cases.

Poor Jimmy - I hope he does better at the vet's. I am sending lots of purrs his way.
We sure hope the V-E-T can get Jimmy's medicines in him and better soon.
The Florida Furkids
Oh No I am so sorry that Jimmy has to go back to the vet. We sure are sending tons and tons of purrs to you Jimmy and we will cross our paws for you too. Hope the vet can make you feel better. Take care.
Poor Jimmy! Years ago, one of my cats was on med for a UTI and had urine that looked like that. Turns out, it was a side effect of the med. The med was changed and that cleared up the problem. What a scare!
Mom Peggy
Hope Jimmy will behave at the vets office and get to feeling better soon!
Sorry to see Jimmy isn't very well again - hope he will make a good recovery soon. Sending purrs.
Oh poor Jimmy.. I so feel for you trying to medicate a cat who wants no part of it.. I'm sure the vet will help set him right real quick!
and I am certain Mama Jessica won't mind putting off her birthday celebration and will allow you to eat her cake cause it is so much yummier to you.. :)
We are sending our best purrs to Jimmy and hope he can soon come back home.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Poor Jimmy. He's having a really rough time of it.
Happy Birthday, Jessica!
Happy 5th Purrfday Mama Jessica!
We are so sorry that Jimmy is not taking his pills, and not doing real well with the output. We're sending tons of purrs and purrayers and hugs to all of you, and especially to Jimmy!
Luf, Us
We are sending purrs to Jimmy and hope he soon starts to improve. Happy Birthday to Mama Jessica.
Sending purrrrrsss to Jimmy, purrrraying he gets better in spite of himself.
Happy Purrrrthday to Mama Jessica and brother Johnny. We hope Jessica got some good treats, too.
Healing purrs to Jimmy we are so sorry he had to go back to the vet.
A very Happy Birthday to Mama Jessica.
Oh noes! We are sending big purrs for Jimmy, and hope the vet can get his meds and food inside him.
Happy Birthday Jessica!
Oh no. We are purring and praying for poor Jimmy!
Happy birthday to Momma Jessica.
Poor Jimmy! We hope the vet can get enough meds into him to clear this up. 'Kaika is sending purrs.
And Happy Birthday to Jessica! We hope she got some nice treats.
'Kaika and Trudy
Happiest of birthdays to you, Mama Jessica! We hope that you have a nice day and that the year brings you lots of treats and snuggles.
Jimmy, please eat and take your medicines, sweet boy! We're purring for you to get better right away!
Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
Awwww please don't give up on poor Jimmy! He's so ill and needs you most now more than ever. Me and Charlie are sending him lots of healing hugs and purrs. Hang on in there Jimmy!!
Take care
Poor Jimmy. I think it's best that he goes to the vet for close monitoring since you cannot administer medicine to him. We are purring for his speedy return to good health.
And on the other side, happy birthday Mama Jessica. You're hte second kitty we know who's a March baby, except for Emma of course.
Emma and Buster
Just checking in. Purrrrrring that Jimmy is getting better.
We're purring for Jimmy.
We also want to wish Mama Jessica a Happy Birthday.
Truffle and Brulee
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