Thursday, November 6, 2008


I’m glad to be home now. It had been a harsh month in my life. I thought it would be the last day for me to see the light on earth. Pain became fear and fear came depress... I lost HOPE! Day by day, I slipped further away from the hope to live on. But, miracle came knocking at the door at the right moment. Little spark by spark of love and support rejuvenated my hope to stay on. I should not have ended my journey that way but to be strong in believing that there would always be LOVE and HOPE surrounding me. I’m not alone all these while… but being surrounded by friends who cares about me and my family… Thus, I can never give up on HOPE! Well, I almost did…








Without your existence,
I would no longer be around today.
Without your love and encouragement,
I won’t have the courage to look up on HOPE.
Without your support and compassion,
I don’t think I could have pulled through.
Deep inside dwelled a silent whisper
Wanting to shout out… THANK YOU!


cheryl said...

darling janice and all the j family--we are so furry happy to know that you are better and safe at home. it was surely terrible for all of you. we were glad to be able to help with a little bit of money, and many, many good wishes and purrs and purrayers!! may you all live together in harmony and health for many years.

the meowers from missouri and meower mom & dad

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Janice!!!!!!11 It is so good to see you home and looking so beautigul!! WE are all so happy too,that you and your family are on the mend!!!!!!!! being home is the best place to recover!! That is where you are happiest. Hugs for all!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Beau said...

Welcome Home, Janice, Welcome Home!! We are so very relieved and happy you're back where you belong. Mom was ready to go break in to the v-e-t place and kidnap you. We were furry furry upset about this whole ordeal..it's behind you now! Happy happy joy joy! =twirls=

The Island Cats said...

Janice, you look marvelous! We are so glad you are home and feeing better!!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Absolutely adorable photos of Janice. I'm so glad she is home where she is safe and loved.

Anonymous said...

OH this is such a beautiful post, and very inspiring.
What a perfect little model you are, but I guess that comes easily when you are so happy..
We are so very happy too! for all of you...


Poppy Q said...

They are wonderful pictures of your girl, we are so happy she is back home with you all and looking so healthy.

Everyone will sleep better in the Criz house now.


Dear sweet Janice and all the J family we are so happy that there was such a miracle happen and that everyone is well and back safe and sound at home. We will continue to hold you near to our hearts...


Daisy said...

Oh Janice, that made my eyes leak a little bit. I am so glad that you did not give up hope and you are back home now!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Janice, we are glad you are home! YEAH.

Anonymous said...

Janice, we all lubs yoo and never gave up on yoo either!

Niko and Cloud said...

Welcome back home Janice! You look so beautiful!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Janice we would never ever give up on you.
You look so gorgeous and we are all so glad you are home.
You've got a lot of beans and kitties and woofies and critters that care about you and your family very much.
Love & Purrs,

Gattina said...

What an adorable post !

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We are so happy to see you looking so well. (((Hugs)))
~ The Bunch

Luna und Luzie said...

We are so glad you are back home!
Those are adorable photos!


Asta said...

I am so vewy happy you didn't give up and that youw owdeal is ovew!!!I pwayed and pwayed..and someone listened
smoochie kisses

Ellen Whyte said...

Great news! Glad she's fine again :-)

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