Thursday, October 9, 2008



FOUR DAYS! That’s one too many days Janice has been away from home. My girl is crying foul play now. What else could I do then? Nothing! I have been sitting down in daze and cleaning up the whole place all the time to keep my mind occupied from thinking all the worst things that might happen for Janice. One call from the vet this morning changed the whole moods in the J Family. Janice was cured from her bowel problems and has been eating quite constantly. It’s great news for all but… she has to stay back a few days more to monitor her “horns” problem. Again, I stumbled onto my chair. “What? She has to stay for another few days? That would be terrible, not only for her but for me!” Haiz…

Before I realized what I was doing, I was already half way down to the vet’s. When I was in the room, Janice was already on the table for more tests. You can feel what she was feeling then by the look on her face… fear… stress… and more. Even with my presence, there wasn’t a smile on her face. She just wanted to go home but I could not allow that. She has to be cleared of whatever that has been bugging her.


The vets did some tissue tests but found no infections or whatsoever that could have caused Janice to be sick. It’s still a puzzle there. The “horns” were nothing more than some pinkish flesh popping out on her head without any reasons. They have also tried using many types of skin creams to treat the “horns”. There were some hiccups there. The cream that they had used for her left ear managed to reduce the lump slowly but it had no effect on her right ear.


Her right ear “horn” was still big and red. In fact, the other one on the other side was getting a bit bigger each day. It does not look good at all. I’m still waiting for the vet’s advice if it’s advisable to perform some surgeries on that. I hope not as it would be painful for Janice as well as for my pocket. Haiz!


Now how am I going to face Janice when she eventually gets to go home?


Note: Jeremy has recovered but Justin is still purging all over the house now not at one spot but many spots, even on top of my cupboards. :(


CazzyCazz a.k.a Micz said...

Oh dear what a relief!! Glad that she is doing better and soon to go home!

I couldn't keep the worries away from me for the past few days, especially when there's no news from you!

Thanks and God Bless!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are glad that Janice is feeling better but will continue to purr for "horn" problem to get cleared up.

We are glad Jeremy is feeling better and will continue to purr for Justin.

We hope you have managed to get some rest and take proper care of yourself Criz....and we will purr for you too!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We will be purring for all of you. Hang in there Criz, we know it's hard for you when anyone in the J family is ill.

Healing rays for the whole household. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Alasandra

Anonymous said...

Poor Janice! We cant wait fer her to be home wif you all!!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Mr. Criz, please tell Janice you aren't being cruel to her, you are trying so hard to get her better so that she can come back home to you and the other kitties. We are purring like crazy for her, especially since our Momma's name is Janice too. We are glad Jeremy is doing better and hope Justin will also get better really soon. You and all of the J Cats are in our thoughts and purrayers ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a terrible time for all. We hope Janice and the guys get better soon!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We keep purring and purring and purring for Janice. I am glad that she is feeling a bit better but I hope she gets all the way better.

The Activist said...

I hope this is over with soon. Get well soo Janice

Sweet Purrfections said...

Poor Janice and the rest ot the kitties. I purr that everyone will be home safe and healed soon!

The Island Cats said...

Oh we are so glad that Janice is doing better...but these horn things are quite perplexing! We've never seen that before! We hope the v-e-t can figure it out!

Diane G. said...

We are praying for Janice and hope that the doctors can get her fixed up and home again soon.

Carmela and Moe

Mr. Hendrix said...

I'm glad Janice is feeling better and very sorry she has to stay longer. We hope the VET fixes those horns and she doesn't hurt any more.

We are also glad Jeremy is better and we will purr and pray Justin recovers quickly soon. purrrsss


OH ME OH MY.... poor Janice we are purrin and purrin and purrin for you...

Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx and Gracie

Daisy said...

I am so glad that Janice's bowel problems are all better. That "horn" condition is very puzzling. I'm glad that one of them is getting better anyway. It will be a very happy reunion when she gets to come home!

Us4 Cats said...

exhale....there is some good news in there, right.

we will be so glad to see a post of janice back home safe and sound.


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We have been purring and praying for sweet Janice. We know it is very hard for her to understand why she is at vets. We are glad you can visit.
Hope you can get some rest.
~ The Bunch

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

We're so glad to hear that Janice is feeling better and we hope the horns disappear soon.

Purrs for continued improvement,
Charlemagne and Tamar

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Good to hear that Janice is getting better. I am purring for her early recovery and homecoming. Hugs to the other J kitties too!

The Cat Realm said...

And we thought the horns looked smaller.... These things are the most mysterious things ever - you'd think someone would have heard of something like that before.....
We are glad to hear that Janice is doing better, still purring and purring for her to get WELL so she can go home!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

I know you must miss Janice,but she is getting the best care and hopefully an answer to her problems.
I will purr for her and for Justin!!!
Purrs Mickey

Chesney Cats said...

We are glad tha Janice is doing better & we are purring for everyone to get well.
We don't think Janice hates you, once she gets home she'll realize it was all for the best.

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

*Gulpz* Prays she'll be well enough to be discharged soon.
.....someone's wallet gonna burn a MEGA hole...

El said...

I've updated my blog with some cat stamps collection new series and handy
tool for my cat's room. check it out! 
Handy tool for my cat's room,
Cat Stamps Part 4,
Cat Stamps Part 3,
Cat Stamps Part 2,
Cat Stamps Part 1

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