Saturday, November 1, 2008



This week’s theme is on BLUE.
This was one of the most memorable times I had with the
birth of the two BLUE eyed twins, Jimmy and Joey.


Time really passed by real fast with both of them being
4 months old now and not having those BLUE eyes as before.


In fact, the one that is feeling rather BLUE is Justin.
He has yet to recover from his lack of appetite issue.



For those members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!



Corey~living and loving said...

I'm sorry to hear that all the cats are not well yet! :(

Hope they are soon!

Juliana said...

Nice entry. You always creative with ur cats :D

My PH entry this week : in HERE and HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

If anyone is interested, friends of Criz have raffles and auctions going to raise money for the overwhelming vet bills.
You can see a summary of everything at our blog. All items are brand new and would make great holiday gifts or treats for yourself. They can be mailed out as gifts, too, which would make gift shopping much easier.
Nice pictures, Criz. Love seeing the babies again.

Jackie said...

Oh my I am sorry that to hear that they are not feeling well. He does look so sad and blue.

But blue eyes or not they are still very beautiful!!


Happy PH:-)))

Huey said...

Beautiful kitties. :)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Bad bad blue week for all the cats you and me!!! *cries*

jams o donnell said...

Aww they are still beaqutiful, with or without blue eyes! I hope your cats feel better soon

Siani said...

Lovely shots, with or without blue eyes. I hope Justin feels better soon. Have a great weekend!

My pics are here.

Momgen said...

Oh sorry to hear about your cats...HAppy weekend.

Mine is also up

Pea in a Pod said...

Sorry to hear about the cats..:( But nice entry as usual!

Mine are upHERE and HERE. If you get a chance ;) Happy Photo Hunting!

Carver said...

I hope Justin will be well soon. The twins had beautiful blue eyes when they were young but are still cute even without them.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We do hope everyone is on the mend. Take care. ~S,S & C

Daisy said...

I love kitten-y blue eyes!

I am still purring and purring for Justin.

Mickey's Musings said...

Jimmy & Joey,you are both very cute even if your eyes are not BLUE anymore :)
Justin,I am purring very hard for you to get better!!! I want all of you to be well!!
Purrs Mickey

Leslie said...

So sorry to hear that your beautiful cats are still unwell. Sending purrs your way. :)

Anonymous said...

I thoughts all babies has blue eyes, Mushka and I did but they changed quick like.
I hope evfurrrboddie feels so much better and very soon!!
We is puuring still :)


Susan Demeter said...

I hope Justin is feeling better soonly!

Kaz's Cats said...

Those are some cute kitten photos. We're sorry that Justin still feels sick but we'll keep purring hard for him to get well, and for all of the other J family kitties to be okay too.

{{kitty hugs}}

Gypsy & Tasha

TeacherJulie said...

Blue eyed cats are wonderful. They are cute too :)

Thanks for the visit, Criz.


TeacherJulie said...

Blue eyed cats are wonderful. They are cute too :)

Thanks for the visit, Criz.


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

The twins are still as cute as ever. While I hope they will find good forever home(s), I am sure you will miss them when the time comes for them to go. Hope some kind soul would take both of them so that they can stay together.

Purrs to Justin. Hope he feels better soon.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope you all stop feeling blue soon. We are still purring for you.

eastcoastlife said...

The colours of their eyes change as they grow up? They are cute even without blue eyes. :)

Unknown said...

Jimmy and Joey?! Goodness I've been out of touch too long! You're fast on the road to becoming the Male equivalent of "The Crazy Cat Lady"!

On a more somber note, I do hope your sick kitties get well soon. ^_^

Anonymous said...

yo. blue is my favourite colour! but my blog's colour is not blue. take a peek at it too if you free (",)y

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We still have our purrs going for all of you!!!!

Tesla and Hansel said...

hai! stoppedbeh ta saz we hopes yoo iz feelin bettehs soons.

Luna und Luzie said...

The blue eyes are so cute. I wished they will be forever but Ollis blue eyes now are dark.

I´m sorry to read that one of your cats is not very well.
We hope it will be better soon.

lots of healing purrs
from the German kitties

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