Saturday, January 10, 2009



This week’s theme is on AFTERMATH.
You should have read about the AFTERMATH
of all the havocs the J Kitties had created in my
Towards the end of the day, all of them would
give me that innocent looks on their faces.

This was the AFTERMATH of my ball of thread
as I was busy preparing some items for
the coming Chinese New Year celebration.
Those tiny white hairs stuck on the thread
do look familiar to you, right? LOL!


Here was what happened when you have an
unexpected pair of paws helping you…





For those members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Danger zone :P

Ingrid said...

What a cute helper !!
I haven't posted yet, it's too early

Gemini and Ichiro said...

But I bet it was fun to get into!

Photo Cache said...

what a little cutie!

jmb said...

How could you be mad as such an innocent little face.
Happy weekend Criz.

Anne said...

Oh, I love these photos! So cute. Really makes me smile! Happy weekend to you and your kitties. :)


Susan Demeter said...

Now this looks like a fun aftermath :)

My Photo hunt entry is here

Please stop by, and happy weekend :)

ian said...

i'm so glad we're just here to enjoy your pics and leave all the dirty work to you- including the cleanup of the kitties' mess!- hehe

but with such ADORABLE faces, how can one get mad =]

Carver said...

Too funny. Cats can certainly create a situation with an aftermath.

jams o donnell said...

Haha what a little sweetie! Happy weekend

Bengbeng said...

you deserve an award for creativity Criz :)

Pretty Life Online said...

Very Cool post for this week!!!! Hope you can visit my corner too... Have a great weekend!

SASSY MOM said...

Looks like your cat enjoyed helping you out, LOL! Happy weekend!

Leslie said...

Love your blog and your pics!
have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Eh, offline msg not working arh?

eastcoastlife said...

You can only laugh it off! :)

bonggamom said...

Awwww, poor tangled kitties :)

YTSL said...

Your kittens are sooooooooo cute! :b

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Thats the aftermath of FUN

PastormacsAnn said...

Too funny. Ah kitties - they leave a lot of destruction in their aftermath.

TeacherJulie said...

Cute cats, but be careful or yo won't come out of the mess :D

My PH:

Anonymous said...

I love your photos and the cat is adorable.

You can see my aftermath here but it isn't as cute as yours.

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwwww, gotta love the photos!!!

Mine's aftermath of after math. Come on over to see it if you have some time today.

Siani said...

Oh wow - your cat is so adorable. Great pics. I love mischievous kitties.

Have a lovely weekend!

MaR said...

Awwww, how cute and what a great take on the theme!!
It didn't inspire me at.all.
No choices of pictures, nada.
You did great!! happy hunting and happy weekend :)

Anonymous said...

BAD ball of wool...that'll teach it!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha, that looks like fun.

Lynn said...

You have a nice shot of the ruined yarn. :)

Country Cats said...

Instructions can be confusing sometimes!

The Florida Furkids said...

Cats and balls of yarn - purrfect together!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Nice job again, Criz. That aftermath is a lot more pleasant than the hairballs that my kitties usually leave for me. My contribution to the theme this week shows what Mother Nature is capable of.

Momgen said...

Oh what a disaster heheh. Happy weekend. TC

Mine is here hope you visit

RJ Flamingo said...

Yes, I have much experience with that kind of help! :-) Such a cutie though - how can you get mad?

Please stop by if you get the chance!

Ladykli said...

AAAAWWWW 'im is so tweet! He looks like he's saying look Mommy, aren't I a good helper!

June said...

This reminds me of me!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Great post, can even see the cat hairs in the first one. Have a great weekend.

 gmirage said...

It could really be chaotic with 'kids' so playful like them! :D

Happy weekend!

Daisy said...

I'll bet the aftermath of that play session was one giant tangle!

Anonymous said...

They are just stringing you along.

Anonymous said...

How cute. You couldn't be annoyed with that! :) :)

Terri said...

Oh that's so funny! Great aftermath photo.

Mickey's Musings said...

The AFTERMATH of you doing something is having lots of helping paws!!!!! I think I would like to help too :) hahahahahahahaha
Purrs Mickey

Samantha & Mom said...

Cute and cuter!! We hope you got untangled from the string!
Your FL furiends,

Dianne said...

Cute shots! I love kittens.
Thanks for stopping by my blog too.

KylieM said...

hehe very cute, i have forgotten what it is like to have a mischievous cat around the place.

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

Oh no!! lol

What a cutie :)

stan said...

say how many cats do u own exactly? I'm thinking of adopting one together w a dog.

donnalyn said...

that's really really cute ;)

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