Saturday, January 3, 2009



This week’s theme is on HOPE.
This is a brand new year and everyone has the right
to HOPE for something better in life…
This is Jeremy’s resolution for 2009…






For those members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Katie said...

Jeremy has really beautifully coloured fur and your photos really show that off. Happy New Year to all of you at the Criz Cats Sanctuary! :D

The Creek Cats said...

That is something really great to hope for!! We hope all the strays get homes in 2009!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

HOPE... a four letter word which is what we all need :)

keeyit said...

Yeah.. let's hope to have a good year ahead.


Susan Demeter said...

Beautiful photos :) Happy 2009!

My Photo hunt entry is here

Daisy said...

Jeremy, what I hope is that your wish will come true!

Juliana said...

You makes me smile.... thanks for visiting

Heart of Rachel said...

What a wonderful wish. Wishing you a promising 2009.

Photo Cache said...

Tis the perfect time to raise our hopes and dreams.

Happy New Year.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is a wonderful hope.

jams o donnell said...

Here's hoping that lots of strays get good homes this year and your cats get all teh KFC they can eat! Happy weekend

Pretty Life Online said...

Cool choice for photohunt theme... Mine's up now hope you can drop by. Happy New Year!

Pat said...

Lots of hope for the new year!!

Happy New Year!

 gmirage said...

I like the one where he looks up as if hoping and praying!!! Cool!

Carver said...

Good take on the theme Criz and here's hoping better days for all strays. You have some beautiful shots of the kitty. Happy 2009.

jmb said...

Well I can share that hope with you. Lucky you have a good home with the Criz.

Happy new year to you all.

Anne said...

Beautiful post! I share Jeremy's hope that all strays find their forever homes. All the best to you in the new year!


Leslie said...

Yes, we hope some or all of the strays find homes. Trixie and Tigger were both rescue cats. :)

Happy New Year. ;)


Mr. Hendrix said...

aw that is sweet. great job Jeremy. we hope your wishes come true all around the world. all strays should have loving forever homes.

Happy New Year to you all!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

We will join you in the hope for that Jeremy, what a thoughtful little man you are! :)
No kitty should be hungry :(


Bengbeng said...

happy new year criz

in front of my house is a piece of vacant land. it breaks my heart when i see abt once a month ppl come n abandon their cats, dogs at the open field..as if their pets can survive on their own. they r confused as they are domestic animals n die in a few days of starvation. never have pets if incapable of minding them until they r old. pets look cute when small but they all grow up.

hope ..;. these abandoned strays have no hope.

YTSL said...

From high-falluting thoughts to those of food. How... typically Malaysian! ;b

eastcoastlife said...

There are too many strays of all types of animal these days. people ought to be more responsible when they buy pets.

ian said...

here's to shelters for the homeless and food for the hungry- humans and felines alike =]

happy 2009 to you!

bonggamom said...

I never noticed the beautiful charms around your cats' necks! They are lovely!

Momgen said...

Your entry is nice and I like what you did. Happy weekend. Mine is up also. Take care.

Mine is here

Anonymous said...

What a positive and cute take on the theme!! Your cat is so cute and I love the green setting.
Hope you have a fantastic 2009.
Happy hunting :)

SASSY MOM said...

I always look forward to visiting you on PH day. I always enjoy your posts.

Have a Blessed 2009!

Corey~living and loving said...

I love the one of Jeremy looking up. :) beautiful eyes.
happy Weekend.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

cute thoughts

TeacherJulie said...

Hoping for a KFC :D

Wishing yo the best for 2009, Criz :)

My PH:

stan said...

how many cats do you own? Happy ny@

Anonymous said...

Jeremy's hope is so noble... LOL

Anonymous said...

He makes a powerful advocate and I love the fact that KFC wins him over.

If you have time stop by and see my take on Hope.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a good hope Jeremy and we hope it comes true.
Happy New Year to all of you.

June said...

Your hope is my hope too!

Hootin Anni said...

That one photo of you 'praying' to God just takes my breath away!!!!

My Photo Hunt entry is here....
For the Birds

Anonymous said...

Great post, Criz. I really liked the sentiment and share your hope. I hope you can stop by and see my contribution to the theme. It was done by a guest photographer this week.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy is photogenic :D
nice shots u have...
have a nice weekend!

Mickey's Musings said...

Jeremy,you prove that there are many types of HOPE!!!!!!!! I HOPE you get some KFC :)
Purrs Mickey

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We hopes all the strays find forever homes too.

Did you get some chicken?

Happy New Year

~S, S & C

jenianddean said...

Great photos and hopeful wishes for those foster cats. I think chicken sounds excellent.

Anonymous said...

I rescued my two fur babies :) Thanks for visiting my blog :)

Rebecca Mecomber said...

So that's what a cat thinks! ;)

Beautiful kitty.

My Photo Hunters is up today. I 'HOPE' you get the chance to visit and leave your link.
Happy New Year!

Ladykli said...

Very sweet photos. I, too hope Jeremy gets all that HE hopes for.


Cat with a Garden said...

Two good things to hope for: Forever homes for strays and KFC!
We're a bit late but wanted to wish you a Happy New Year!
Siena & Chilli

ipanema said...

oh, that is a good one!

happy new year!!!

Teena in Toronto said...

What a cute kitty!

I played too :)

The Florida Furkids said...

Wonderful wishes! We hope they all come true and effury kitty and woofie gets a forever home in 2009.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
ps - did you get KFC?

PowersTwinB said...

Hi! I've been missing from Photo Hunt for quite awhile, but had to come and visit your post for the Photo Hunt...Very very cute! Love the photos of your kitty. My post is up, please come and visit

Anonymous said...

Great hope post. I also HOPE you have a great week.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Jeremy that is a great HOPE for this year and KFC is also good to HOPE for!! We also want to wish you a Happy New Year & a Prosperous 2009!
Your FL furiends,

Sweet Purrfections said...

That is a beautiful post for the "hope" theme.

sammawow said...

Those are very good things to hope for, indeed! Lovely pictures, as always!

philos said...

Hilarious take on the theme hehe... Happy New Year! :)

Anonymous said...

I will pray for their forever home as well.

Team Tabby said...

Happy New Year to the 'J' kitties

Mindy, Moe, Bono
and Milo, too.

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