Friday, January 30, 2009



This week’s theme is on FURRY.
Somehow there is one FURRY four-legged thing in my house
that has been giving me lots of doubt over his innocence.
If you had watch the FURRY Puss-in-the-Boots in Shrek,
you can imagine how pretentious and pathetic look that cat has.
Jeremy behaved exactly like that FURRY Puss-in-the-Boots.
Now who shall I blame for wetting the IC chips in my TV now?
It cost me quite a bomb just to get the TV repaired!
Which of the 8 FURRY J Kitties was the culprit?
The case still remained as a mystery until today…
Any FURRY kitty detective out there?? LOL!!





So that’s what my FURRY Jeremy has
in his mind on me all these while!!
There may be some truth in it too… Haha!!


For those members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Wow!! I've always thought that Jeremy's fur was short..didn't know it was so furry.
Hello!! Groom regularly hor,unless you love de-matting :P

Randi said...

Absolutely gorgeous pictures!

Bengbeng said...

this week's theme suits you well :)

Carver said...

Hilarious post and an absolutely beautiful and furry cat.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Furry seems like it is a way too easy photohunters this week! But you did a lovely job and set the bar very high.

Anne said...

Too funny! You can't get mad at a beautiful furry creature like Jeremy. Great post!


Photo Cache said...

always a star this one. soo cute, btw.

jmb said...

Wow, that is a very furry animal. So beautiful. You must have had trouble choosing which cat to showcase this week as I am sure they are all very furry.
Have a good weekend Criz.

Leslie said...

Poor jeremy - he looked so worried - lol.

Great photos Criz. :)


Pat said...

Great post as always!! :-)

Happy Weekend.

 gmirage said...

You're the winner of course! lol. dont need much thinking...This theme is for you and the lovely missus and misters!

Colin Campbell said...

Wow. That must have been a tricky theme for you. :)

YTSL said...

Maybe you're going to have to get Jeremy a hat and a pair of boots... ;b

ancient one said...

I always love your comments that go along with your "furry" purring cats. Thanks for the laughs. Great Photos too!!

Momgen said...

Very good choice for the theme Criz...Happy weekend.

Mine is here

Anonymous said...

Certainly a lot of fur there :)

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Ach - such a great specimen of lovely fur!

Have a good weekend.

PastormacsAnn said...

Looks guilty to me. It's always the one that "meows" his innocence the loudest that is to blame!

Puuurrrfect picks for "furry!"

Lisa said...

So gorgeous, cute and furry. Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

He looks innocent, yet furry, to me! :>)

If you have time stop by by photo hunt!
JyLnC's Furry Photohunt

stan said...

He is truly a handsome tabby! Yeah...human jealousy knows no boundary. Stay cool Jeremy!

Anonymous said...

I really love how your cats look like -- and I like how you were able to photograph them well. Great job!

My PH entries are here and here. Hope you can hop by if you have the time. Thanks!

June said...

Now that's a furry cat!

Anonymous said...

I've had those mysteries in my house with my Furry kids. It's not fun to have to deal with that kind of mystery. But you're pictures definitely fit today's PhotoHunt theme! :0)

The Florida Furkids said...

A purrfect theme for cats!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Jeremy you are very furry and gorgeous. Scylla & Charybdis

Nice photo hunt. ~ Socks

Maureen Hayes said...

What a beautiful and INNOCENT kitty! I loved the story you told, both in words and image!

Check out my post at:


Happy Photo Hunt!

Anonymous said...

There's a cat in there somewhere...

bing said...

oh, how lovely. i just want to hug that furry ball! i mean, cat... he he

Chie Wilks said...

wow, nice photos you got here..thanks for leaving a comment at my photohunt post..heehhe yeah T-bone for sure.

Anonymous said...

your posts are always such fun!! (And Jeremy is awfully cute!)

Samantha & Mom said...

Jeremy you are very FURRY for sure and we can tell you are innocent of all charges against you!
Your (FURRY) FL furiends,

Brita said...

Gorgeous pictures! Beautiful cat and clever too....=)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful furry fur! I bet he feels wonderfully soft.

Lene said...

Hahaha. Funny furry post :) Great pictures for the photohunt! Wish you and ypur cat a happy weekend :)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Wonderful Furry as always at your house!
Happy Hunting!
~ Maggie Mae and Anna Sue

Beaman said...

Very amusing picture commentary. :-)

Rebecca Mecomber said...

I always look forward to your Photo Hunts! I also did Photo Hunters. I hope you get a chance to visit!

Happy weekend!

Mo and The Purries said...

What great furry pics today!
chin scritches,
Uncle Mo

Country Cats said...

What beautiful furs you have! Anyone would be jeaous!

Anonymous said...

LOL. What a furry and handsome little devil.

Biker Betty said...

Love your angle on this week's theme. Great job!!! Poor Jeremy, he looks wee too innocent.

PowersTwinB said...

rut ro...this is a case of the cat that got away??? lol..too cute! My hunt is up, please come and visit soon

Marites said...

Oh, that is so funny! He doesn't seem to look guilty! :) He's so cute!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We haven't been around for a while but we haven't forgotten you. Things have been crazy around here. We hope you are all okay and things are going well.

Irene aka Sweet Surrender said...

SO FURRY!!! ;p
Thanks for dropping by.


Jackie said...

oh my I have always loved to visit here and see your cats. But after being away from blogging for a while...I am once again so amazed.

I am late making rounds on this photohunt. My schedule went south starting last Friday night.

Fantastic pictures! I hope you are having a great week!

CazzyCazz a.k.a Micz said...

Ohhh that's my Jeremy boy!!! Hehehehe, i miss your kids so much!!! Happy Moo Moo year to you and kids and sorry for MIA for such a long time!!

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