Monday, March 2, 2009



I have been asking myself this question ever since Joey slept barely an hour ago. Why must all the mishaps happen during a Sunday at odd hours when I can’t seek help from anyone? First it was a visiting Alpha with a badly torn lips, then Panther with a almost life threatening situation, then Janice with weird looking horns, then a badly beaten up stray at a nearby KFC outlet and now this? I guessed this is the act of God to test my patience and commitment to seek help for these poor kittens.

Barely few hours ago, I was still munching a piece of biscuit with all the J Kitties staring at my hand. Everyone was sitting there with those pathetic eyes wanting to have a bite. Half an hour later, I felt something rubbing at my feet and it was Joey. I felt dampness which I thought was her normal habit of playing with water in the washroom. As usual I would bring her up onto my lap and stroke her to sleep. She acted normal with her eyes closed while I was busy meeting some deadlines with my computer. A few seconds later, she began to feel agitated and started brushing her eyes furiously.

I saw watery blood and it almost cost me to fall over my chair. Gosh! What had happened? The others were all lazily scattered all over the sitting room and I did not hear any fights or any of them playing noisily as before. The sight got me panicked. She was blinded by a piece of pinkish flesh protruding through her right eye and the other could hardly open. It’s almost after midnight and it’s raining furiously out there. Who would answer my call at this hour? No one! Not even the vet!


I had to find a solution now. I hope the warm treatment I had applied would at least soothe her swell for the time being before the morning vet visit. Well, I had to use a paper plate to temporary stop her from further wounding her already swollen eye. It did help, provided the rest would just stop messing with her “new collar”. I guessed I would have to accompany her the whole night now to ensure that she’s not in further pain. It has been three hours after the incident now and seven hours before the vet would open his clinic for business. I’m sitting down here praying and hoping that the worst would not happen. I won’t want my baby to go blind but there’s nothing else I could do except to stroke her and give her the comfort she would need now. Not only is she crying… I am too… I had just lost my mood to do anything else but to wait patiently but sleepily as she would really need my help to finger feed her again when she wakes up.



Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Criz. Those hours between emergency and a vet opening in the morning are very long and scary. We are all crossing our paws that Joey will be okay.

Daisy said...

I am so sorry that Joey has a hurty eye. I know you will likely have a sleepless night tonight, but I am purring that Joey's eye will get better soon.

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh no!!!! We are all purring very hard too!! Poor Joey. You must feel so helpless . We hope she will be OK!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Peggy's Place said...

Oh we hope the vet can fix her right up. Maybe it looks worst than it is. We sure hope so. Huggs

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah My God~!
That looks very very bad!!!
I hope Joey will be heal in no time!!!!

Chesney Cats said...

We are purring & purraying that Joey's eye looks worse than it is & that she's back to normal very soon.

Cat Street Boyz said...

POOR JOEY! We are purrin' and prayin' for both of you that things turn out OK. At least Joey is not alone.....we feel so bad......get well Joey!purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the Cat Street Boyz

JPP Papa said...

So sorry to hear this and seeing this pictures are really heart breaking even to me with no pet. Hope by now, your cat is healed or cured, somehow.

You take care too.

PDX pride said...

A lot of times I wish the vet were open round the clock, too. Things do seem to happen at the worst times.

At least the plate "collar" seems to be working. Hang in there, both of you!

It looks like maybe something got under the third eyelid, causing it to half-close, or an infection.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Please try not to panic. It looks like the pink flesh is a badly swollen third eyelid. The eyelid comes across the eye when the cat is not well or if it has injured it's eye in any way. I would think that she has had a scratch or something has irritated her eye and she has rubbed and rubbed until it has swollen as you see it now. Obviously I am not a vet so can't tell you for sure, but I would think the right eyedrops would soon bring the inflammation down. Hope all goes well.
Eric and Flynn's mum Jackie

Ingrid said...

OMG ! that's terrible, I have never seen that. Poor you ! I hope by the time you read this comment, the vet could help her !

The Florida Furkids said...

We're purring hard for Joey. That looks nasty. We agree that things always seem to happen at night or on the weekends.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Freya's Staff said...

God bless you for everything you're doing. Now I'm crying too. We're praying for Joey as well.
Please let us know how things go.

The Creek Cats said...

We are purring very hard for Joey and you! God Bless!

Kaz's Cats said...

Criz, that looks so uncomfortable and painful for little Joey. Eric and Flynn's Mum has some good advice, and we don't have any other suggestions. It seems like you've done the best you can to help her on your own. We're gonna purr and purray for little Joey and for you, and of course for the other kitties,


Gypsy & Tasha

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Oh dear! How very scary for both of you.

We sure hope that it looks worse than it is and that the vet will be able to make it better.

Try to rest, Joey and know that your daddy and the vet will take good care of you.

Sending purrs and good thoughts,

Charlemagne and Tamar

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh my poor baby Joey!!! Criz, you must be so worried. What did the vet say???

Purrs and kisses to sweet Joey!

Nomi said...

Hang on in there Joey, the vet will soon have you fixed up and your eye will get better I'm sure. Special Yoo Kay purrs heading over now..

ZOOLATRY said...

We are praying all will be well soon...

Sparky said...

Update us soon on Joey. We are so sad after seeing those pictures. We hope his eye gets better real soon and that Joey starts purring again real soon.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh Criz! I am purring and purring for Joey. We are so glad she has you to care for her.

Please keep us posted!!

Tom Cat said...

Poor kitty! I've seen kitties like that before, it looks scary, but the vets made them all better. Good thinking with the improvised e-collar, Joey's lucky to have a smart human like you.

wildcatwoods said...

Purring and praying for little Joey. God idea to make the plate collar! It may just be a scratch to come on so suddenly. I hope so.

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