Friday, March 13, 2009



This week’s theme is on FOUR.
When you mention about FOUR,
The first thing that came into my mind
would be FOUR legged animals
namely my cats…
Cats are supposed to be on their FOUR feet…
Is that always true?
Not in my case as I felt that my FOUR
legged cats behave more like human…





For those members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Anne said...

Too cute! He does look more like a human than a four-legged feline. Great take on the theme this week - I love looking at your cats!


Randi said...

I love reading your cute stories!
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

These shot before or after that burnt in your wallet? :P

Corey~living and loving said...

tee hee...I love to see Kitties sleeping like that. so cute!
happy weekend!

Momgen said...

Your entries really makes me smile it is always cute entries. happy weekend. TC

Mine is also ready

bonggamom said...

How funny! You always managed to think of just the right captions for your photos.

stan said...

how u get your kitties to remain posed in those funny stints!

Juliana said...

omg....so cute ;)

My entry for PH this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks

Brita said...

Great take on the theme! Love your stories too. Such a beautiful four legged friend.

Hootin Anni said...

I must say that the last one looks like my husband!!! And yes, he'd be wondering just where his dinner is too.

Mine is posted. Four of nature's candelabras....come on over to view!
Happy weekend wishes to you and yours.

Bim said...

Very sweet - the middle position looks a bit strenuous on the neck, though.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Very cute!!!!!~S,S,C & F

Ingrid said...

Arthur would say : beautiful legs !

Ladykli said...

How adorable, he's not spoiled!! Your posts always brings a smile to my face!

Here's my four.

The Activist said...

Lol. hope the light was eventually switched off. How are you all? It's being a while I left comment

Rebecca Mecomber said...

AWWWW! Adorable photos!

I moved my Photo Hunters to my new photo blog. Please visit if you can!


Have a great weekend!

PastormacsAnn said...

They look so cozy and how nice that they showing your all four of feet! I love the way they sleep with their eyes all squeezed shut!

sammawow said...

What adorable pictures of your four-legged cats!

annant said...

da last pic is hilarious :D
loks like a small kid sitting on a couch :D

Selba said...

Awwwww.... so cute!!! I really want to give a hug!!!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...


These things I warmly wish to you-
Someone to love
Some work to do
A bit o' sun
A bit o' cheer
And a guardian angel always near.


Jans Funny Farm said...

Duh. Talk about dense. Jan didn't get it -- 3 photos when the subject is four? Good thing there are a couple of comments here on 4-legs or she'd still be counting on her fingers, trying to figure this out.

Love the photos and captions.

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