I had received a few comments that I might have given my new twins the wrong names as they were supposedly born as calicos. It is believed that 99% of calicos are females. Well, there is still a 1% chance that Jimmy is actually a male which is very rare in the families of calicos and tortoiseshells. Even veterinarians and breeders who are the experts in determining the sex of a kitten had made errors before, what about me? I’m still an amateur in he cat’s field.
Now this is rather confusing as I had determined the sex of Janice, Jayson and Justin when they were just hours apart from their births and I did not get the facts wrong. Could it be that I had made an error this time? I can confirm safely that Joey is definitely a female as her “slit” is always wet when I tried to hold her up. The distance between the “slit” and anus is short, thus making no ways for “balls” to grow when she gets older.
Now this is rather confusing as I had determined the sex of Janice, Jayson and Justin when they were just hours apart from their births and I did not get the facts wrong. Could it be that I had made an error this time? I can confirm safely that Joey is definitely a female as her “slit” is always wet when I tried to hold her up. The distance between the “slit” and anus is short, thus making no ways for “balls” to grow when she gets older.

As for Jimmy, I could find no “slit”. I could only find a “dot” hole which is far apart from the anus. There looked like two small “sacks” between the “dotted” hole and the anus, which according to researches that only after 4-6 weeks can we see obvious growth on that part.

I could be wrong as the kittens are still too young for me to name them. What more to identify their sex. If I were to have Jimmy as a male, then he would be the most precious thing in my life. If you are an expert in differentiating the sex of a kitten, you can perhaps check through the photos above to reconfirm my doubt. (You can click the thumbnails photos for bigger scales.)
It is a boy and girl, Criz! Our staff has seen many kittens and even did not biggify the photos. :)
PS -- the kinda Abyssinian tabby color they got from their parents Jess and Jon looks like red but IS (genetic) black! ;)
I have no experience with that. Pumuckl was our first and only kitty and we gave him a male name although he is a girl :-)
Well, Joey is a girl and Jimmie is a boy! But....they do not look like calicos. Sorry.....but what they are is ADORABLE.
I tinks you gots a boy and a gurl... maybees dey not calicos.
Dey is cute. Hope Mama kitty has stopped bleedin.
hope you iz doing bettur too!
Katie Too.
It's always easier to tell when you have the whole group together!
Yup, I think you have a boy and a girl! They are very cute:) xxx
Looks like you are a proud father of a baby boy to me!
hmm, our mommy definitely not an expert to identify this one;) she always mixed up, hahaha.....
btw, it's our pleasure if you can join us on tree adventure!
meaouwy troops
Errr sorry,, I's dont know the answer to thats. I knows I am a female though, does thats help?
Fanks for the well wishes, its great to has Mommy Bean home.
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