Friday, September 19, 2008



This week’s theme is on ROAD.
Many people would have posted on ROAD
but I have decided to touch on the life of an insect…
Yup… it’s the ROAD to Freedom!
As you know most insects would not survive
from the playfulness of any kitties but this one did…
This millipede is a survivor!!


Why is the millipede so lucky?
The story goes like this…






For those members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Arghz!!!!! No wonder you told me not to scream!...

Bengbeng said...

bengbeng screaming , 'iiks!'

Anonymous said...

A long way to the road...but with so many legs...

ARGHZ!!! I cannot tahan liow!

Carver said...

The centipede had a hard road to travel next to the kitties. I like centipedes so I was rooting for it to make it safely past kitty.

Randi said...

I love this!!!
A really lovely sequence of shots!

eastcoastlife said...

haha... you are not so lucky this time!
*catches it and swallows*

jams o donnell said...

Aww such cute shots. I love that millipede but the cat is a better pet! Happy Weekend

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's a unique way to look at road. Good idea!

Pat said...

LOL - great post!!

Happy Weekend.

ellen b. said...

Well there you go being creative with the theme again...Quite the long road for that bug :0)

Sarge Charlie said...

those are some cute photos Criz, please stop by and take a trip down my country roads....

Anonymous said...

Oh that's a great post Criz! I love coming in here each week to read your blog. :)


Leslie: said...

That is so cute! I love coming over to see what creative way you'll come up with the theme. You might like to see my post just below my PH one - ;)

aeirin said...

hahahaha.... great shots

Hope you visit mine... Photohunt: Road
have a great weekend

Unknown said...

Oh wow - that's a cool catepillar... funny way to see the road, but i like it!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Yippie, now let that silly bug outside and it will get squished by a big foot!

Momgen said...

Oh very cool entries...Happy weekend.

Mine is here

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow! he'll be at freedom fast with all those legs!

how is Joelyn doing? are any of the kitties playing with her yet? we think of you all often

Everyday Healy said...

LOL! Your baby so "Kaui". Not like my dog. Sometimes, I feel he is my master rather than I am his. Hahaha......

The centipede is lucky! So do you. :P

Ingrid said...

What a generous kitten ! I don't think that he would have had the chance here, lol ! how cute !!
BTW have a look on Rosie and Arthur they are pirates now !

Hootin Anni said...

Love this....love the captions...hey, picking on someone smaller than you is OKAY in my book. Especially this icky creature!!!

Mine's shared...all about the "Devil" this week. Come see. Have a great weekend, and happy hunting!

Forever Foster said...

Such a sweet series of photos. Your kitty has a gorgeous little face:)

The Florida Furkids said...

Mom is eeeking!!

We think the centipede looks like a good Itasty) pal!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Mickey's Musings said...

That is just too cute!!! The ROAD to freedom!!That millipede better use all of his legs and get going!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Team Tabby said...

Cute kitten pictures. The millipede is so lucky that kitty listened to daddy and let it get 'on the road' to safety.

Mindy & Moe

JO said...

interesting picture-telling-story you go there. hope the centipede got out alive.

Here's mine. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Allthingsfoodie said...

Good choice in leaving dat buggie to his own road. All doze leggies wpuld haf itched yur moufie.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

How sweet! You let the little guy go without hurting him....well done!

Brine Queen said...

That is one crazy looking millipede! I thought it was a centipede at first...

khitara said...

cool shot!
happy hunting


Crazy Working Mom said...

Freedom! Ain't it great?! Wonderful take on this week's theme.

Mine is here.

PastormacsAnn said...

Can't believe he got away! Creative take on the theme.

bing said...

good kitten... it pays to follow advises, kitty!

sammawow said...

What a great post for the road theme! And I always love to see your kitties!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Ew,ew, double ew!!!

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