Saturday, September 27, 2008



This week’s theme is on VIEW.
There are many meaning to the word VIEW.
It can be a VIEW through a key hole.


It could also mean the range of vision or VIEW
of a cute little kitten hiding behind a fence.


Well, I get this sort of VIEW or inspection from
quite a number of strays as this one here.



For those members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are great views!

Asta said...

Bootiful Views..Bootiful kitties
smoochie kisses

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

wah the view from the keyhole made me strain my eyes!
Quick, go boil some soup with kei-ji :P

Anonymous said...


Need to add this, if no $ hor you can go work as paparazzi! *lol*

Daisy said...

Those photos are pretty. A view of a kitty is always beautiful.

Satkuru said...

wow that's really creative ler criz :P lol great view.

have a great weekend :D

Juliana RW said...

what a creative 'view' of yours...

Please drop at my PH post also : in HERE or HERE. Thanks

Pat said...

Oh the kitties' views are great!

Happy Weekend.

Carver said...

I like your take on view. The kitten in the keyhole is wonderful.

Leslie said...

Your views are the best views! have a good weekend, Criz. :)

- From Leslie and Tigger and Pyewacket and Trixie :)

Us4 Cats said...

oh my gosh that lil kitten is gorgeous and so unique looking.

took my breath away.

jams o donnell said...

Wiow the keyhole shot is well done. and such beautiful cats as ever! Happy weekend

Photo Cache said...

funny shots. i love your little kitty.

Blur Mommy said...

I like the view from the keyhole.

Blur Mommy @Just My Rambling

SASSY MOM said...

I always look forward to your lovely cats during PH. They're all soo cute!

Momgen said...

Oh nice entries...Happy weekend.

Mine is here

Forever Foster said...

I love the first shot through the keyhole, it's really awesome! You always have great PhotoHunt entries:)

ancient one said...

Wow... a shot through the key hole.. never done that yet... Great Shot!!

jmb said...

Busy little kitties, they do photo hunt every week. Good views Criz, have a happy weekend.

stan said...

i am begining to like cats! cute shots

Bengbeng said...

how abt a view of Criz hding behind a coconut tree like in an Hindustani movie :)

Corey~living and loving said...

love the kitties peeking. nice choice for the theme.
happy weekend.

Randi said...

What a lovely view - the kitten is so cute!

YTSL said...

Hmm... cute kitty? From my point of *view*, it actually looks quite scarily wild! ;b

tigerfish said...

Playing hide and seek with the kitten? :P

Fishman said...

You are such a peeping tom.. cat! Hehe

ipanema said...

very creative! i love the first one.

happy weekend! :)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Love the different VIEWS. ~S,S & C

Hootin Anni said...

Cool....saying something right now like "Happy Hunting" is all important to a cat's life!

Mine's up, it's a Cat's Eye View of fun.

Happy Hunting.

Ingrid said...

Lovely views ! even through a keyhole, like my blog's title !

philos said...

Whoa! Excellent choice of photos there... I loved the keyhole shot... we don't have that type of keyhole anymore

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Those are purrfect views!!
~ Noah

Mickey's Musings said...

I think the best VIEWS are of kitties!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Unknown said...

Cuuuuuute! #1 is my favorite... and #2... ah, heck - I ♥ them all!

Happy Hunting!

Sanni @ Life...

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Great shots - love the kitty in the keyhole! Love kitties ayway!

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