Saturday, June 21, 2008



This week’s theme is on WATER.
Earth is made up of 71% WATER and 29% land.
Whenever the WATER vaporizes into the air,
it would be condensed and stay in the atmosphere
until it reaches precipitation and fall back to earth
either frozen or as rainfalls.
This is called the WATER Cycle.

Sometimes after a rainfall,
you can see WATER droplets everywhere.
Jayson found something interesting in the garden
after a heavy downpour this afternoon.


The rain has created a wonderful effect on the leaves of
a Kaffir Lime Tree with tiny WATER droplets.


Just look at how beautiful it is to have WATER droplets
accumulating at the tips of the thorns.


Even a caterpillar has to brave through the heavy downpour
with evidence of tiny WATER droplets on its body.




For those members,
please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Samantha & Mom said...

That is is a great WATER photo!! We love the little drops on the caterpillar! Wonderful close-ups!
Your FL furiends,

Ah you have lizards, too!! Hhehehehe.
Mr. Tigger

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Those photos are fantastic... ML

Lizards... where's a lizard... yum, yum... Faith Boomerang

Gemini and Ichiro said...

This is not a cat friendly photo hunt is it? But you have done a fantastic job!

Susan Demeter said...

These are awesome shots for the theme :)

My entry is here

Have a great weekend!

Juliana said...

wow..u have wonderful shots of water droppet..

Mine in here and in here Thanks

Juliana RW said...

wow...wonderful shots of ur water

Please visit mine also in here Thanks

Carver said...

Great shots for the theme Criz and I also like your cartoon below. Hope you have a great weekend.

Reference your comment on my blog: You're lucky to live so close to the ocean. My town is in the middle of my state and we have the mountains on one side and the ocean on the other. I'm about the same distance from the mountains and the ocean going in different directions but not the same as living with them a few minutes away.

Randi said...

What a wonderful set of photos.
They are all fabulous!

Mr. Hendrix said...

those are fantastic photos! your beans take great pictures. that caterpiller is pretty. i wonder if it tastes good...

ellen b. said...

Nice shots for water! Love the droplet. Have a refreshing weekend...

Pat said...

Oh I love photos of rain drops - great shots!

Happy Weekend.

jams o donnell said...

Wow that's a great set of water shots. Perfect for the theme! Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Criz your water photos are great! I hope you are having a good weekend. :)

ZAM said...

Love that macro of the caterpillar -and also the droplet of water on a thorn. Perfect!


Tesla and Hansel said...

meh friend Mickey said i should stop by an say hai to yoo.

Wat wunerful photos of water! i jus lub dem!

Rach said...

briliant choices for this theme :-)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

The water droplet on the leaves is pretty awesome :)

jmb said...

Stunning photos Criz, I loved the way you moved in closer and closer! Have a great weekend

Corey~living and loving said...

WOW! you got some great shots. What lens you using on those macros? the caterpillar is stunning. :)
have a great weekend.

meemsnyc said...

How cute that catepillar is. We really like the photos.

Lana G! said...

Fabulous shots!

Ingrid said...

Of course YOU have to show us GREEN water ! Usually water should be blue, lol ! Nevertheless it looks beautiful !

marcia@joyismygoal said...

oh very nice

Crazy Working Mom said...

Very well done! Happy "water" hunting. :)

CrAzY Working Mom

Barbara H. said...

Wow!! Those are just gorgeous! Especially that water droplet on the tip of the blade of grass!

eastcoastlife said...

The caterpillar is awesome! Magnified it looks scary! hehe...
*scared scared*

Leslie: said...

Love your photos and explanation of the water cycle (which, by the way, I had to teach to my students every year! lol) Be sure to pop over to see my take on the theme this week. Have a great weekend! :D

Emmyrose said...

Awesome take for the theme..

Have a nice weekend!

Come and visit mine here:

Huey said...

Ooo I definitely like the one with the droplet at the tip of a thorn.

Heart of Rachel said...

Terrific shots especially the close up photos of the water droplets and that caterpillar.

kaycee said...

fantastic collection of photos. i love all of them...

Daisy said...

Those water drops look so pretty next to the vibrant green!

Hootin Anni said...

Amazing photos!!!

My 'water' theme this week is a road trip along the coastline of South Texas...ending at an historical mansion. Come by for a visit if you can!! Lots of pictures this time...hope you'll enjoy the history.

June said...

Fantastic shots! The water droplet and the caterpillar are my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots there! There's something especially magi about capturing raindrops.

A. said...

That was supposed to say "magic" :)

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

WOWSIE! What fantastic water pictures!!!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Beautiful examples of water in your photos! And your cartoon is great ... thanks for the laugh!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

mimi11460 said...

Beautiful picture...nice entry for the theme.....see you in my blog...Thanks

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Lovely photos all, and the caterpillar is unforgettable. Have a great weekend!

Gree and Othello Wedding said...

We loved the water photo's, they were all good but our favorite was the droplet at the end of a thorn. ~Socks, S & C

Anonymous said...

You got some great close-ups.

Stefij said...

wowwee fab photo's and cartoon all are fab!!! :)

JesieBlogJourney said...

Excellent write-up and shots of water. You capture the water droplets very well. I like them all.

Do visit mine if you have a chance.

Ladynred said...

Cool shots esp. the droplet on the thorn. Thanks for dropping by!

admin said...

waowiee...you have great & fabulous pictures here:) what kind of camera did you use? any specification....?

-meaouwy troops-

Mickey's Musings said...

That is a great WATER post!!!!!!!

Purrs Mickey

LibertyBelle said...

My cats make a bee-line for the door when they see or hear water! Lovely photos you have here.
Happy Weekend

Pelfy said...

Those shots are fantastic!!! And I sure had a good laugh by just looking at your cartoon. Ahahahhaa

Sharyn Ekbergh said...

We don't have a water photo but nice photos of the Cheddar family who have just arrived at our local shelter. Mom, Dad and five kits.

Anonymous said...

Those are all great! Love the droplets on the catepillar! Congrats on your new litter too,.... please tell me you are not keeping them all. Have a wonderful week.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say,.... I love your new photo next to your comments,..... half and half. Made me chuckle.

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