The link above is where cat lovers all over the world gathered and share their updates on their pets on every Tuesday. Feel free to drop in if you are a cat lover.
The days flew by real fast and today it is already ONE FULL MONTH for the twins Jimmy and Joey. You can imagine what those two one month old babies can do to the house now? Well, one thing I have in my mind is to change their names to Tarzan and Jane as both of them had never stopped running, climbing and swinging for the last 2 days. The “litter” problem had started all over again in the house and those two were only taking in milk at the moment. I could not imagine what else would be new when they start taking in kitten food. I can complain much too as both of them have grown up to be extremely cute… haha! Anyway, just to share with you some of their birthday shots today.

Actually I do not mind the twins playing with the boys but sometimes they will play until too extreme. This is what happened when you have someone 10 times your size playing with you. It gets too rough!! But… the twins enjoyed themselves a lot!
They are growing up so fast. And so cute.
Love the video! How cute kitty with mom! It remember the time Pedro, ticoune and Patouf where like that with their mother Mrs Mystic!
They are just adorable!!! I love the video...the little one is wrestling and doesn't even know how small he is!!!
ADORABLE BABIES!!! I can't believe that they are a month old!
Happy ! Month Birthday Jimmy & Joey!!!!!!!!!!
That video is too cute!!! I think little kitty had fun though,hahahahaha!!
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: How is your eye doing?
Oh my God, they are so cute and they have grown so much! Good luck with them! They look so sweet, but we bet they are a handful!
Your FL furiends,
They grow so quickly...your house must be filled with fun all the time having kittens around!
They are really soooo cute ! For the moment I am in my summerschool and we have some 15 °c and no heating because it's summer (administration of course) on top of it it rains but the Photo cours is very nice. We are 300 students of all ages.
And I found Internet ! very important !
Happy first month to the twins. They are indeed growing fast.
They are getting so big! How cute they are!!
Whoa! I do not think the babies realize they are still too tiny to play so rough with the big kitties!
Squeee...dey is so cute. That video is just, well, adorable. It's just so funny how the little one thinks he can take on the big one. Silly babies.
Watching cats play is "play" for me!
Happy Full Moon Birthday! Please stop by our blog, we have a special award waiting for you there!
Wow the twins got BIG!
Happy Full Moon to the twins. They are such cute pies. Hope efurryone in the house has recovered, including Daddy.
I like the last video,
very very cute~!!
Little big kid play with very very young kid~
The kittens are growing so fast and are adorable. We like the 'wrestling' video, very cute.
Mindy & Moe
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