Saturday, July 26, 2008



This week’s theme is on HANGING.
What an appropriate theme for my two 34 days old twins,
Jimmy and Joey, who love to HANG on to
anything that they could get their paws on.
Let me share with you where they have been
HANGING about for the last one week.






Now you know why I have the urge to
change their names to “Tarzan” and “Jane”?
They just can’t stop climbing and swinging about!!


For those members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Samantha & Mom said...

Tarzan & Jane sure look cute HANGING from that chair! hehehehehe Now if they can just get down again! Great take on the theme!
Your FL furiends,

Carver said...

Those are great shots Criz. Your kitties do look like Tarzan and Jane.

Juliana said...

this is very cute hanging post :D thanks for visiting mine.

Juliana RW said...

omg...this is so funny and cute :D

visit mine also in here: http://www.picturingoflife.com/2008/07/hanging-spider.html

Unknown said...

Hahah..Tarzan and Jane sure did entertain me this morning.


Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Hang on yall!!!

meemsnyc said...

Oh my goodness, how cute you two are! Good climbers too!

Heart of Rachel said...

Kittens love exploring. Cute photos!

Unknown said...

Those cutie have nice Kong Fu to hanging from chair ya.. hehe..


ancient one said...

I was sure you would have some photos of cats hanging around. I kinda' expected to see some hanging from the curtains. Do your cats have claws?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh they are gorgeous! have a great weekend with them Criz. :)

SabineM said...

so adorable there just hanging!

TorAa said...

Cat lovers, like us, will be hanging around this post for years to come

Natalie said...

They're so cute!

Anonymous said...

*BRAVO* Jessica is teaching them the meaning of 自做自受!! lol

Angela said...

My cats don't hang so much nowadays, but your hanging kittens are cute!

Fishman said...

Cute kitties!

TeacherJulie said...

Tarzan and Jane, haha!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! Look at all those hanging places!

eastcoastlife said...

The twins are so lovely! Can give me one? Two also can. :P

jmb said...

Cute photos Criz, cats can always be relied on to hang about. Have a good weekend.

Harajuku PearL said...

the kittens are so cute! reminds me so much of my mom's cats when they were young - Sky and Rain. Very playful. Sky has run away from home and Rain is not a mummy to 4 - cola, soda, cherry, sprite. Don't ask me why they are named like tat...that's mom...hehehe

Pearl - have a good weekend!

PastormacsAnn said...

So cute and with those baby kitty claws they can really hang onto anything.

Leslie: said...

Good ones! Tarzan and Jane look like they're having a grand time! :D

Unknown said...

cute wild things! enjoy photo hunting!

Aisha said...

LOL! So funny! I like the sayings. Kittens are so cute.

Anonymous said...

altophobia indeed! Grrrrrrrrrrrr

Great pics :)

Kim said...

Very cute Kittens! I like the captions. Kim

philos said...

Hehe... perfect for LOLCATZ

kaycee said...

Cute, cute & sooo cute! & great names as well. thanks a lot for sharing.
Have a nice weekend =D

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

The Hanging Kitties sure give the Hanging Gardens a run for the money.

Hootin Anni said...

sweeeeeeeeeeet!!! Love Tarzan and Jane's very first photo. But of course, all photos for this week are purrrrecious!

Mine's posted, hop on over if you can find time! Have a super weekend.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

cute cute names and the shot w/ the arm around is sooo cute

Ingrid said...

Very cute ! and mummy is very right, lol !

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh, they are adorable hanging from everything.

Shhh don't tell the cats I said so as they aren't allowed to hang from my furniture, I might have a rebellion on my hands. ~Alasandra

Amanda said...

Great shots! They are so cute!!!

Have a great weekend!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Well, Jane does start with a "J"...but Tarzan...hmmmm....Jarzan??? Nope, doesn't work!

Did they ever get down!!!

They get more adorable every day!!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute kitties. I love the succession of photos.

Emzkie said...

we both featured our pets. your kitty are so cute!! =) mine is up here


Barbara H. said...

Tarzan and Jane sound like good names for them! Very cute photos and captions!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

OH.MY.GOSH!!! I love your blog!!!!!! Now I want another kitten! MUST... RESIST... URGE.........

I have an old house in severe need of demolition. Do you rent out your kitties? ;)

Here's my Photo Hunt for the day. I'll bet you never heard of this kind of hanging before!

Karen Coutu said...

They are too cute! I'm surprised you don't have any photos of them hanging from the drapes. LOL!! That was always a favorite spot for my kittens.

Mine PH photo is up too!

Also, don't forget to come visit me to enter in my giveaway that starts on Sunday.

Daisy said...

Those tiny little kitten tails are too cute!

Flo said...

That is too cute!!! Love the series.

Mine is up over at Flo's Place

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Criz, I really love your photos stories! They always make me smile!
Thanks for putting a smile back on my face today!

tnchick ♥ said...

They are sooo cute! Love them.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Precious, precious pictures!!

~ Anna Sue

Patricia said...

Kittens are so cute!

Wade Huntsinger said...

That's a nice post on the subject

mimi11460 said...

Hello your cat are very cooperative he he he joke, but nice picture..

Huey said...

Haha that's what kittens do!

Liz Hinds said...

Oh wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Great take on this weeks' theme. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again some time.

Ellen Whyte said...

Love the pic with the Altophobia bubble: those faces are so cute!

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