I get really stressed up when one of my kitties decided to pull a stunt as this. Playing missing for days is not something that I like at all. First it was Papa Jonathan, then Mama Jessica and now it’s Jayson’s turn. I am just waiting to see who else will be next. I wished my kitties would understand well that it’s a dangerous place out there with stray dogs, mafia cats, inhumane people and ever flowing of vehicles out there. It’s just not safe for them to linger out wildly without any supervision.

I took the whole day off just to check out all the possible places Jayson might have gone but without any success. In the end, I have to seek the help of the rest of the bunch to hold a search party. At least they have the sensitive hearing to hear the cries of Jayson if he were to be anywhere nearby. Luckily with their cuteness and cheekiness, I was able to cheer myself up a bit.

Of all the stunts, Jayson has to pull this. He managed to jump out of my windows upstairs without me knowing and landed himself into my neighbor’s house. The worst thing to happen to him was that they were not in for days and he was locked inside their house for days without food and water. Errr… hopefully he did not steal my neighbor’s food.
Luckily, Justin was able to detect the SOS cries of Jayson and led me to their front door. I did hear Jayson’s cries in there. He sounded real panic. The front metal door was locked but fortunately they forgot to lock their wooden door inside. I managed to push a bit and there it was Jayson looking at me with his pathetic look. It took me two hours just to persuade him to jump over the metal door and fed him with food and water. I hope he has learned his lesson well not to break out and intrude other people’s property. Now I have something else to worry about… Where has he been doing his “business” in there? I hope I won’t get into trouble for that!
Luckily, Justin was able to detect the SOS cries of Jayson and led me to their front door. I did hear Jayson’s cries in there. He sounded real panic. The front metal door was locked but fortunately they forgot to lock their wooden door inside. I managed to push a bit and there it was Jayson looking at me with his pathetic look. It took me two hours just to persuade him to jump over the metal door and fed him with food and water. I hope he has learned his lesson well not to break out and intrude other people’s property. Now I have something else to worry about… Where has he been doing his “business” in there? I hope I won’t get into trouble for that!

Jayson, you naughty boy. It's lucky you're so darn cute or you would be in real trouble mister!
hee hee
Jayson, Jayson, Jayson. You are so fortunate you were found and rescued. We hope you learned a lesson. Next time you decide to jump out a window, leave Criz a note where you're going.
Thank goodness you were able to find him. It will be interesting to see what type of "havoc" he created in the neighbors house when they get back. Jayson, you better get those cute, big eyes ready to ask for forgiveness.
We are very glad you were found Jayson! It is hard to behave but please try not to get lost again.
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Oh Jayson....you were very naughty!!! Criz, how smart to have the rest of the J's search for him! Genious!!! I am so happy that he is okay! I'm sure that your neighbors will forgive you....after a bit of clean up. Thank you for letting me know that he was found. I was so worried!!
Love, Deb
Oh, that sounds really scary. There are indeed lots of dangers out there for kitties. We're glad you were able to find Jayson, and that he's doing OK.
I am sures Jayson knows now that sneakings into where he doesn't belongs doesn't pay. We are furry glad he is fine though. Mommy Bean laughed when she thoughts of where he may have used the litter box in the neighbors house. Has he been taught hide the tootsie roll in the bean pillow yet? hehe
Now that was a naughty thing... sigh.
Hooray! Jayson is back! I am so glad he was rescued.
Um, Jayson? Please do not do that again. Okay?
whooff... (sigh of relief)
Thank Bast you found Jayson. You might want to visit your neighbor with some cleaning supplies when they get back, though. They'll likely need them. :-)
Oh, Jayson. The Adventurer. It is a good thing he is so cute. He'd better practice those adorable looks for your neighbor's return.
Hee hee, liked the Clowder's idea of visiting with cleaning supplies, that might make a good welcome back basket for them.
So relieved he is home. Thanks much for letting us know.
pee ess: Glad you called in the professionals to help you find him.
Well, dat was purrty nawty! We sure hope da naybors is unnerstanding...yeah, maybe some cleaning supplies would be a good idea. Altho, without food or water maybe it's not to big a mess.
Oh Jayson = did you leave lots of "presents" for the neighbors to find when they get home from their trip?
Silly Jayson, you had everyone worried!
uh oh Jayson, you had a House Trashing party at the neighbors! we've been purring to St. Anthony (patron saint of lost things) and St. Francis that you'd be found.
NO MORE WANDERING AWAY like that. we don't want to lose any more friends.
We are so happy you found him!!!! Once the neighbors hear the story they will hopefully not make a "stink" about any business he might have left....
Oh Jayson, you worried your family and Dad so much! I know things sometimes look like great adventures, but turn out to be not. Don't do that again!!!
I'm so glad you found Jayson and that he is okay. I wonder where he was doing his business? Hehehe :D
Oh my God, Jayson, we are so glad you are found! Good thing your siblings heard your meowing and Daddy Criz got you out!
Your FL furiends,
I'm so sorry this happened! You must have been so worried!
Oh, thank Bast you found him! He must have been so scared. :) xxx
What a horrible adventure-gone-wrong! Jayson, I know those trips sound exciting but they really, really, really aren't.
Thankfully you have such a great family who looked very hard for you!
purrs, Goldie
Poor you ! you really have a difficult life with your sweethearts ! Can imagine how you felt when Jayson went missing ! Luckily you could get him out of your neighbors house ! I am always worried with Arthur because he climbs in each open car !!All my neighbors know it and check before they are leaving, lol!
You little stinker!!! But thank goodness you are home- safe and sound. I'm glad Criz had the smart thought to put the J's on the case.
Welcome home!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Thank heavens Jayson is found!!!
You might have to do some explaining to the heighbour though ;)
Purrs Mickey
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