There has not been much updates recently in the CATSOPHERE. Well, it could be due to me taking things slowly due to my frightful 10 days sickness. I would like to apologize if I did not visit your blog for some time but I will assure you that I will give my sincere comment when I am at your place. Secondly, I have a feeling that Blogger has not been in top performance for some time as I find that there are still problems uploading photos or to ensure that all photos are appearing in the blog. It is also weird that quite a few dot com or even Blogger users are not able to view the Blogger blogs. Let’s hope everything would be fine soon.
This week, the cover model is Lego, the sweet little addition to the family of Michico & Adan. Lego has been under quarantine for a few weeks. Before he could even come out to play with his new brother, Adan, he was hit by some fungal infections. There goes his freedom but he is doing real well now with the medication he has been taking. He would be free soon to join Adan in yet another new adventure. Wait! Now what? Otodectes cynotis? Gosh… what a fate for that poor baby. By the time he is certified healthy with no more problems, he would be half as big as Adan. Let’s pray that Lego will have a better fate soon.
It has been known that all beans will require a minimum of 10 hours sleep a day in order to stay beautiful, strong, healthy and alert at all times. Well, cats do need the same hours too. In fact, without the needed hours of rest, they would not be alert enough to hunt for crawlers, climbers and flyers that are planning to invade the house. Jake wanted to have his beautiful sleep but then he was disturbed frequently by the buzzing sound of house cleaning. I guessed he had not learned the skillful ways to defuse the plug of any electronic gadgets in the house without being detected yet. Try harder next time Jake :P
What is fluffy, furry and has a pair of pinkish ears and shining eyes? Gave up? It is a sign of health and it comes with the correct diet… take lots of vegetables, especially carrots! Diva Kitty’s Mum (DKM) has been healthy all these while because of her strict diet of a combination of greens. The same goes for Fiona the bun. I am wondering if Sophia ever finishes her share of greens as I can find quite a lot of green peas hidden under the carpet. Hmm… are those the bun’s spares or the kitty’s hiding spot? Haha.. :P Anyway, do check out DKM’s spring rolls. They do look very yummy.
Did you know that the CCSI Production (Cat/Canine Crime Scene Investigation) will be launching another wonderful production this coming May? It would be titled The Missing Mummy Caper written by yours truly :P It would be yet another great production with the amount of responses the production team had received for the audition. Let’s see what the production team of Karl, Ruis, Opus and Roscoe, Sassy, Momo and Asta, have up in store for us. Do not ever miss out this coming show.
It is healthy to go out for some fun and stay wild for a day or two but sometimes the after effect of the party will cause some hallucinations and wild dreams. This actually happened when a group of close friends gathered at Sassy’s place for her Slumber Party. I guessed too much snacks, soft drinks, and pizza made her dream of the unexpected. Luckily no one really ended up in jail with their photos taken. You have to drop in to read more on this hilarious dream.