Tuesday, August 12, 2008



The link above is where cat lovers all over the world gathered and share their updates on their pets on every Tuesday. Feel free to drop in if you are a cat lover.

Last weekend was a very tiring weekend as we were traveling almost 400 miles away from home to pay a visit to our long distance cousins. In fact, we just came back home barely a few hours ago. Our cousins were here all the way from Spain for a special performance and they have given us some VIP invitations to their show. Gosh! We were lucky to be seated just a few rows from the stage. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to shoot any photos with them as they were under some copyright ruling. Grrr….Roarrrrr!!


By the time we reached the skyway cable car station to Genting City of Entertainment, it was quite late in the afternoon and there was a long queue. Patiently, we waited for our turns to take the cable car. It was our first experience to sit in the world’s fastest mono cable car which traveled at 6 meters per second. We were scared at first when we saw how high we were at but got used to the height after enjoying 15 minutes of the cold and breezy atmosphere at more than 2000 meters above sea level.



After traveling for 3.4km up the hill, we reached the peak of the hill and we saw that the whole place was busy with activities. There were casinos (we were underage and Daddy disallowed us to be anywhere near there), outdoor as well as indoor theme parks and lots of restaurants. We went straight to The Pavilion where the performance was to be held. We met our long distance cousins there. Our cousin, Mr. White Lion was extremely cool and handsome with his bushy mane. That made Jeremy jealous on when he will be as manly as him.


Another cousin of ours, Mr. White Tiger was so macho and strong that Jayson had his eyes stuck at his muscular body and stripes.


Janice on the other hand was swooning over another cousin, Mr. Tigger.


Justin kept asking Mama Jessica endlessly why he did not have those black stripes on his body. He was so noisy until Daddy asked him to shut up as the show was about to begin.


Daddy Criz was amazed on how their Papa Enrique Polo could have that much funds to feed them that big. Those three kitties were at least 50 times bigger than any of the J Kitties. Can you imagine how much they eat a day?


Our cousins’ performances were great. They even have some beans performing magic shows, clown acts, opera singing, mini bikes and trapeze stunts. We then saw something real cute at the entrance. Daddy wanted so badly to take a shot but none of us were good at taking photographs. In the end, Daddy had to take one without his head. Maybe you can cut your bean’s head photo and paste it there.


Overall, we enjoyed our first trip to be so far away from home. Here is a short video clip of what we saw during the performance.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are such very large cats!

Luna und Luzie said...

Wow, we are impressed by those big cats.
Are we really related with these animals??? Grrrr....hisssssss.. we are afraid...

Ingrid said...

Wow that must have been a wonderful show ! I wonder if I would have survived in the cable car, that's really very quick !!
Now you cats have to learn to jump through Daddy's trousers and stuff like that, over the computer on the keyboard etc !

Jenn Valmonte said...

Justin is soo cute! You capture them really well. I sometimes have a hard time photographing the kitties.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

tricia said...

Your kitties are adorable, and the big cats are pretty darn cute too. I would love to do the cable car ride but could never get my kid to go, my mother either for that matter. Guess they would just have to wait while I rode by myself.

tabbikats thoughts

catsynth said...

Ah, all cats aspire to be lions (or panthers in our case).

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yes, as one commenter said, you take beautiful pix of your cats. Looks like you had a lot of fun with the cousins.

We know what you mean about running out of words. No parent should ever have to bury a child, so we really feel deep sorrow for little Sprout's family.


I agree with catsynth that all cats
aspire to be thier big cousins whether it be a lion, a panther or
tiger. Your cats are looking more
grown up evertime I see them! All
8 brat cats are adorable of course!

Mo and The Purries said...

The Cincinnati Zoo (which I used to visit a lot when I lived in Cincinnati, Ohio) has a breeding facility for White Tigers.
I even entered a contest once to name some babies (but didn't win).
Great big cats!
Not the Mama

Anonymous said...

The White Lion and Tiger are both very, very beautiful!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Your cousins are magnificent. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!!! That looked like it was a super show!!! I bet you were spellbound! Awesome!
Purrs Mickey

kuanyin333 said...

This was an hilarious post! Loved how you added those plaintive blips on the photos! Oh, to dream!

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