Rant! Rant! Go away! Come back with more love for me every single day! It has been raining over here almost nonstop for the past few days and the J Kitties had spent their time doing nothing except to sleep the whole day. Of course, there would be the time that they would wake up right on time for their food. After the meals, they would be back to their beds all cuddled up. It’s nice to see all of them sharing their warmth with the juniors. But I have a dilemma here. I can’t let the kitties out as the grounds out there were all wet and muddy. Neither could I let that little angel into the house as she would surely be torn up by the J Kitties and eventually become a nervous wreck. In the end, I have to let both parties stay put in their own world. To the J Kitties, it’s a heaven inside. To the little cutie out there, it’s just unfair for her to be out there all by herself.

O, what a little cutie is outside. How adorable.
What a dilemma.
Criz, I think you are also a cat magnet.
O, my. is that mine long-losted twin sisfur???? Does she haf a golden back paw like me does???
i's must say, she is awfully cute.
Love and Purrs,
What a tewwible dilemma..that cutie pie is bweaking my heawt..I'm glad the Js awe wawm and snuggly though
smoochie kisses
Oh Criz, can't you find a little spot inside for the beautiful baby. I would take her in a heartbeat if you were not so far away!
That baby is adorable.....hope you are able to help.
She is a gorgeous bob tail torti kitten! I wish I was closer I would take her home with me!
If you keep her I suggest a (non J I know) name like Butterfly.
She's just toooooooo cute!
Mommy Bean
Poor little wanderer...she is lucky to have found you. Makes us sad to think that soon her tiny little body will be depleted by pregnancy after pregnancy...at least for now she is looking shiny coated and better fed.
Poor little thing all out there in the wet...
You are such a little cutie-pie! They just have to let you inside!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Oh yoo jus hafta lets her insyd. She iz too cyoot fur da meen streets uf da owtsyd. May be she culd live in da bean litter ruum. Or evan in da dungeon. Anywares but owt der.
Poor little stray :( I hope it stops raining so she can be warm. She needs love and hugs. Criz,you are a cat magnet :) You are an angel too!!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh noes! Let her in!
oh, such a cutie! Too bad we are not closer to you, we would be very tempted to take her in.
Mindy & Moe
Poor little kitteh with the tiny tail! Mom says she wants to let you in here (Cheddar and I gave her the tail for that one!).
What a cute little mite!!!! The third picture of the two Js sleeping is totally adorable.
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