Saturday, August 30, 2008



This week’s theme is on BEAUTIFUL.
As the saying goes…
“Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”
What else can I show except
the BEAUTIFUL eyes of the J Kitties…
Who do you think has
the most BEAUTIFUL eyes??



For those members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


aeirin said...

love your photos... Cat's eye looks sexy...

Hope you visit mine...

Photohunt: Beautiful

Susan Demeter said...

Very beautiful eyes :) Happy photo hunting, and happy weekend :) Thanks so much for stopping by mine earlier!


Randi said...

Really beautiful eyes! Very creative!
Happy weekend.

Juliana said...

wow...it is beautiful eyes.

thanks drop at my ph post

Anonymous said...

They are all beautiful eyes!! Janice's stand out for me...
Happy PH and happy weekend :)

aeirin said...

Thanks for the info.. now I know what the name of the plant is... thanks again

jams o donnell said...

Ooh they do have such beautiful eyes. Have a great weekend

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

They all have lovely eyes, but they look different in different photos. In that collection we liked Jayson's the best.

ellen b. said...

I've got to go with Jimmy!

Pat said...

Awww...loads of beautiful eyes indeed!

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Well done Criz! That looks great! :)

stan said...

those r truly alluring eyes.

Leslie: said...

I love Jeremy's eyes the most! I think eyes are the doorway to the soul. :D

Rach said...

am impressed you managed to get close ups of all of your cats :-)

SASSY MOM said...

Nice take for this week's theme. Those are very beautiful eyes.

Amanda said...

Great collage of eyes. They are all so beautiful.

Have a great weekend!

Corey~living and loving said...

what a fun idea. :) I vote for Jonathon. :) they are all beautiful though.
Happy weekend.

YTSL said...

As the saying goes: The eyes have it. Beautiful! :b

ancient one said...

I pick Jeremy's eyes...all of them are beautiful...thanks for coming by...

Sarge Charlie said...

truly beautiful eyes

Momgen said...

oh such a beautiful eyes....

Mine is here

Huey said...

Jimmy looks as if he was scared! lol. All beautiful eyes. :)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I like Jayson's eyes :)
Never show your beautiful eyes arh? heehee

Ingrid said...

How sweet ! I try to not mention the word "beautiful" because it's already written as a statement, lol !

eastcoastlife said...

You have 8 cats!? All their names start with a J...

I love their eyes.

jmb said...

Isn't amazing how different they all are? Great set of photos Criz.

Lemonjude said...

So many beautiful pair of eyes there, love Joey's one..cute and innocent.

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

Awwww....those are beautiful! :)

PastormacsAnn said...

Great set! Think I like the first ones best. Great picks for The Hunt!

Pea in a Pod said...

I knew what you're going to post even before I click your name in Tnchick's blog! LOL Beautiful eyes!

Liz Hinds said...

Okay, so where did the little blue-eyed one get her eyes?!!

They're all beautiful eyes and all just a little different.

Hootin Anni said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my eyes adore you. All of you.

My beautiful bride photo is posted for this week. Happy Saturday to you. Stop by my blog if you have time....

TeacherJulie said...

Beautiful eyes :)

La Vita e Bella

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Ohhh, they all have purrty eyes, we couldn't pick. ~S, S & C

Carver said...

Those are very beautiful eyes. Great take on the theme.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Absolutely Purrfect!!!!
~ The Bunch

Daisy said...

Those are some beautiful eyes! I like Jayson's very gold colored eyes.

Blur Mommy said...

They are all beautiful eyes!

Blur Mommy @Just My Rambling

A Slice of My Life said...


And you beat us by three cats (thank goodness someone is more cat crazy than we are. Of course we also have dogs, snakes, and other critters)


Tricia said...

I have a thing for cats with blue eyes so I guess I'd have to say Joey has the most beautiful eyes, but I think they all have pretty eyes really.

Nita said...

Wow, what a lovely eyes. Mine is up as well. Have a great weekend!

God bless,

Rambling Woods said...

Love the cat eyes..I see a couple of orange tabby cats like my two boys.
my photo

Brine Queen said...

I vote for jonathan's eyes... he's got that cool cat look down.

jenianddean said...

It's a tough call, but my vote's for Janice... but they are all beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed they all have beautiful eyes.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Wow Mr. Criz! Our Momma's face lit up just like all of those beautiful eyes when she saw them! They are just gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend, Mr. Criz!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon (and Momma Jan)

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Wow Dat's way cool! Such beautiful eyes. Owr hyooman cuzins are all named wif J's too. Dat's cool too.

Jans Funny Farm said...

OH, those eyes are beautiful.

We feel for the poor little tortie kitty. All the residents do have to check out the newcomer. Someone suggested keeping her temporarily in the human litter room. Is that possible, until yours grow more accustomed to her scent?

It's such a tough situation to be caught in.

Mickey's Musings said...

Beautiful eyes indeed!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Weird Dan said...

Hee your cat's eyes... lolol

Anonymous said...

I like how you did that photo and then named each one. Great post. Have a wonderful week.

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