Sunday, August 24, 2008


I would love to instill good habits for my kids… errr… kittens all the time. One of the good habits would be keeping the body clean. That I have no problem as all of them were born with that instinct to be clean and well groom. Another good habit would be keeping the teeth white and sparkling. I have to do it all the time and having 8 kitties at home was never an easy task.


I often have this wild dream that they would do it on their own. Can they? Will they? Well, no matter what, it’s good to start them from young… LOL!



Daisy said...

Wowie! My Mommie has to brush my teeths because I do not know how to hold the toothbrush. My toothpaste is Seafood flavored.

Kimo and Sabi said...

THat's is a good habit1

CazzyCazz a.k.a Micz said...

Hey Criz, how to do it actually? I saw tooth paste & brush made available for them.... Would it be too late for me to start on my older cats?? Gosh does it mean tht u hv to 8 tooth brushes & 6 for my kids?? @_@

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think that is an awful big toothbrush!

The Activist said...

I was just saying to my husband today that I wld love to wash my cats mouths. But they are more than a yr old and I dont think it will be easy.

Can u help with guideline of how to brush thier teeth? Email me via tadonline@gmail.com

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Great pics, the cuties are growing up fast.

I am in a spot of trouble. check Sassy's blog to see our predicament.

Katie said...

That is the cutest photo ever!

I brush Puddy's teeth but she doesn't seem to enjoy it as much as you guys! :D

Ingrid said...

My cats would kill me if I tried to clean their teeth and my vet would send me to a madhouse probably, lol !

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