Saturday, March 29, 2008



This week’s theme is on HIGH.
Just look at how HIGH Papa Jonathan was
when he smelled that alcohol contained beverage bottle.


I was sick the last few days with HIGH fever.
Even the thermometer showed HIGH temperature.


I would want to thank everyone here for your kind wishes
when I was having HIGH fever.



For those members,
please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


jams o donnell said...

WHat a little cutie. I'm glad kitty's feeling much better. Happy weekend

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That made me laugh--what a great take on "high"!

ellen b. said...

Ha! I was wondering if we'd get this sort of high represented!! have a great weekend...

Team Tabby said...

Alcohol can certainly make one high. Hope Papa J recovers soon, ha, ha. Good to hear little kitty is feeling better now. Good pictures.

Moe & Mindy

meemsnyc said...

Glad you are feeling better!

Cecil the Cougar: said...

I is so glad that you is feeling better!!!!!! Try getting HIGH on the nip, it is so fun!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

*Gulpz* Fever.. Lucky it's feeling better already :)

Sidetrack:Now can you imagine if all of them had fever together and clean bill statement you'll receive from the Vet?

My PH here & here

eastcoastlife said...

lol at Papa J's high! Glad that kitty is recovering from a high temperature!

ZAM said...

I'm glad that your cat is okay now. The cat with the thermo looks so cute but mind you, I don't really want to see your cat - anyone of them- ill.


Anonymous said...

LOL. never in my life did I think I'd see couch potato cat! cute photos criz.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

We are very glad that you are feeling better!

Pelfy said...

Happy that you're recovering. Happy weekend (=

Leslie said...

I'm sorry you had a high temperature! Our "high" was the high tide in Venice.


Hootin Anni said...

rofl!!! Love all of the photos. Too cute.

My 'high' is posted now, if you haven't visited I hope you can drop by. Happy Weekend!!!

MaR said...

Glad the kitty is feeling better...lovely pics. Happy weekend!

Dragonstar said...

Lovely shots! I'm glad poor Janice is well again now.

Pat said...

LOL - what great photos! Glad kitty is doing better.

Happy Weekend.

Unknown said...

I´m glad you´re feeling better, kitty. High temperature is definitely no fun - being high from alcohol on the other hand... well... *LOL*

Happy Hunting!


 gmirage said...

lol! Great job....I doubt if thats legal though. hahahah happy weekend!

threesidesofcrazy said...

too cute!

Sarge Charlie said...

I am very happy you are better

Anonymous said...

That cat looks at too much Garfield.
Great take.
Lock your fridge.

Mickey's Musings said...

What cute pictures! Papa J is HIGH and will need to sleep a while!!!! I am glad the kitty's temperature is not HIGH anymore!!
Purrs Mickey

Huey said...

Cute cats! :)

Angela said...

Awesome high cats!! I love the one with the bottle. Thanks for visiting.

Samantha & Mom said...

Great HIGH pictures for this weeks Photo Hunt! So glad the little kitty is feeling better! Have a happy weekend!
Your FL furiends,

Nicole Pelton said...

glad kitty's feeling better, those were great.

Ingrid said...

I don't believe that your Papa Jonathan was high he looks rather disgusted of the smell I suspect your dad Chris who looked too deep in the bottle and his now high, lol !

Desert Diva said...

I'm glad your fur baby is over his "high!" Have a great weekend!

Smalltown RN said...

great photos for the theme and I hope the fever is gone now....

Pea in a Pod said...

Adorable pics,Criz! Soo cute:) hehe

PastormacsAnn said...

Too funny! You get me with your kitty photos every time - I'm such a cat lover.

Liz Hinds said...

I love the second one especially!

Unknown said...

Lol! Your theme is so freaken funny!

Thanks for making me laugh!

Enjoy your weekend!

Liz said...

hehe, i really love your cat photos criz ;)

thanks for stopping by ;)

Daisy said...

Hooray! I am so happy you are feeling better. A high fever is No Fun.

gaj38 said...

great pics for this weeks theme :-)
thanks for visiting mine! :-)

Leah said...

I hope all is well. Now, now dont get too high on that alcohol smell...lol:o)

you are so cute!

Irishcoda said...

Aw, so glad to hear the little one is better--as for the alcohol, that'll make a cool cat sick too!

Corey~living and loving said...

Thank you for coming by my photo hunt, and leaving a nice comment.
I am sorry your kitties are having so much trouble. I'm sending well wishes.

Lori V. said...

Poor kitty! I'm glad you're feeling better!

Come visit my "high" photos when you get a chance! :-)

Lisa said...

What a cute post. Glad that you are recovering. Enjoy your weekend.

JesieBlogJourney said...

It's fun to watch all the high expressions.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

That was too cute! The kittens are getting so big! Am glad the other kitty is feeling better.

poor man's nicole richie said...

oh such a cute kitty. hope you're feeling well now.

sorry for the late visit. my PC just came off bypass.

Morning Sniffles

Satkuru said...

finally my net is back ! Hope you are doing well. so many have fallen sick these past few weeks

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