Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I’m still panicking… It has been more than 60 hours and Janice is still showing signs of being real weak. I called the vet and she assured me that it was the side effect of her medication that made her drowsy and sleepy. I hope that is true because it’s stressing me a lot seeing her so soft and fragile. Moreover, I’m suspecting that those mysterious “horns” are the cause of her being so sickly. The vet wasn’t sure as well as she did not perform any test yet as Janice was still too weak to be mobile.

I hope the rain would stop too. I thought it would after few hours of rain free weather last night but it just poured furiously after that until now. It’s freezing cold out there, so am I over here. I’m feeling the chilling pain on my spine too. Maybe I would just cuddle Janice up again as I did before the whole of yesterday. If her condition did not improve over the next few hours, I might have to get the vet over for a house call… I hope… I can.

My twins Joey and Jimmy very rarely sleep together with their sister but they are doing exactly the opposite now… Jimmy looked as worried too… I'll need more prayers here please......




I am a day late for COT, but I am
so sorry to hear that your dear Janice is ill. I hope she recovers
soon, and we will be thinking of
you and dear Janice!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh no! I hope that she gets better. We will sound our loudest purrs over to you and Janice.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Criz, We are so concerned about all of you, especially Janice. We hope the vet is right and Janice is feeling the effects of the med right now.

You are certainly not forgotten.

Asta said...

I'm wowwied about you and Janice..this is tewwible..I love you and am pwaying fow youw wecovewy
smoochie kisses

Chesney Cats said...

We are purring & purraying extra hard for you & Janice. We hope you both are better soon....

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Ingrid said...

I am so sorry ! I didn't know so after the "horn" story I didn't come back ! That's really terrible poor little Janice, I know how it is when your cat is sick. But it is normal that she is K.O. with her antibiotics, (I suppose it's that!) it knocks out even humans ! Just continue what you are doing, keep her warm and let her sleep, cats have an amazing survival instinct ! You will see after 3 - 5 days the worst is over and she will get better !

The Cat Realm said...

We are so sorry that Janice is so sick! Sending lots of purrs and hoping that the VET is right and she will recover soon!

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Oh, Janice we are sending our extra warmest hugs and purrayers to you... Give the meds sometime to work, you WILL get well soon!
We are tinking of u Criz and all the J-Cats.

mummymeow said...

Sorry to hear about Janice. It is heart breaking, i definitely can emphatise. Hope she recovers soon.

Daisy said...

I had hoped Janice would be feeling better by now. I am very worried! I will keep sending my very best purrs for her.

Mickey's Musings said...

Criz,we are purring as hard as we can to help Janice get better!!!!

Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Kaz's Cats said...

We're sorry that little Janice is still sick. We're purring and purraying for her to get well soon and for you to stay healthy,

Purrs & kitty hugs

Gypsy & Tasha

The Island Cats said...

We're still purraying that Janice feels better soon!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We is furry worried about Janice, we thawt she might be feeling better by now...we'll keep purring and purraying.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Stopped by to check on all of you.

Janice, get well!

Tiger Lily said...

We will prrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and wag our tails for Janice and for all of you!

Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I am purring and purring for both Janice and you. Get well soonest!!!!!

CazzyCazz a.k.a Micz said...

That's really awful!! Hey, what about seeking a second opinion from another vet instead??

Please don't panic and be strong for your J kitties and you gotta take care of yourself ya! You can't afford to fall sick, especially now with Janice's current condition.....

Will pray and send our wishes & love to you and your family.... *hugz*

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