Wednesday, September 17, 2008



It really looked like my place is fast becoming a sanctuary for all the strays. I hope I won’t land myself into many problems as I did overhear some of my neighbors complaining about the “bombs” all over the place. Although my kitties are all the time indoor, there were times some weird and unaccounted for animals would drop by for a visit even during the crazy hours of the morning, including bats. Some even came with “gifts” to show that they have visited the place. At times, you will see those “gifts” all over the middle of the road, right in front of my neighbor’s house or on top of all the cars (damn fruit bats!).

With all those unforeseen incidents, I occasionally have to buy or cook something to bring over to my neighbors just to keep the relationships well. That’s part and parcel of being an animal lover amongst those non-animal lovers. Well, I had another one yesterday which kept me busy from doing anything else as he was really in need of urgent attention… but I did what I could to ease his sorrow…


Gosh! I was still looking at the signs on my wall. Does that include feeding a puppy as well? This puppy is a total stranger to me as I have not seen him around this neighborhood. What wonders me is that how does he know how to come right up to my doorstep to ask for food? The worst thing is that his whole body was covered with skin diseases. How could anyone ignore such a cute little puppy?



Luckily, I heard the kitties hissed loudly at him or else he would have gone away without me knowing about how bad his conditions were. He was in luck too as I have some doggy biscuits left in the house for the other stray puppies behind my house. When I approached him, he tried to run away but I managed to put out some biscuits for him to eat. He finished every bit of the food. How I wished he could have a better life instead of wandering all over the streets hunting for a home…


With all the hissing while he was eating, I don’t think the J Kitties would have accepted him well. Even Mama Jessica was hiding under the car peeping at what he was doing. I just hope there will be more caring people around here. Haiz… I wished…



Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Poor baby! His skin condition would make it worse for him to be accepted. Your kitties are well-behaved and indoors. So hopefully your non-animal-loving neighbours wouldn't mind so much.

Quasi said...

It is so kind of you to feed that woofy. I think somebody knows you're an animal lover and dumped him off at your place.

TorAa said...

I find your text or shall I better call it: The words from the animals, is like hitting the Nail with the Hammer.
Animals feel cruel people much faster than we do.

This is an important post

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh, we do hope the poor puppy gets help for his skin condition soon. As well as a safe place to sleep and food. ~S,S & C

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh that poor thing... I hope that he can be helped.

Anonymous said...

Oh noooesssss that poor woofie! We hopes some bean has a heart and takes him in.

Andree said...

Oh Criz, your story has broken my heart. Why are humans like this? Why aren't they all like you and the rest of us? What makes others so cruel? Bless you for feeding the pup.

meemsnyc said...

Oh no, that poor doggy, his skin disease looks pretty bad. Poor dog.

Katie said...

That is so sad. Is there an animal welfare league you can call who can come and catch the dog? Because that skin disease looks pretty horrible, the poor thing. :(

Gattina said...

Oh my goodness that's so sad ! It is so hard to send them away !

Christine and FAZ said...

Poor little woofa, we hope he gets a forever home soon. FAZ

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor woofie. We hope someone will take pity on him and get him some treatment.

Kaz's Cats said...

Criz, thank you on behalf of homeless animals everywhere. That was very kind of you to feed the hungry woofie - we hope he can find someone to take him in.


Gypsy & Tasha

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh my goodness,the poor doggie :(
It is too bad your neighbours are not animal friendly. I am sorry for all the strays.It is hard ,but you cannot do it all yourself.
Purrs Mickey

Sweet Purrfections said...

Poor woofie. I really wish people would take care of the fur children that they get. Your mom is a great person.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, that poor puppy! He really needs some help. We hope someone will take pity on him and help him. It's too bad your neighbors are not animal lovers.

Us4 Cats said...

Oh no! That beaks my heart. Poor lil dude.

That was nice of you to feed him some treats. I woulda done the same thing.

You keep doing what you do and care for and love those beautiful kitties- nevermind your neighbors. They should be so lucky to be as kind hearted as you to animals.

So many times I dream or fantasise about being able to afford and build a safe haven for all stray kitties. Maybe one day it will be a posssibility.

Keep up the good work and kitty love!!!!!!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

@_@ my heartache seeing that pup in that pathetic state :(

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